Suggestions for Phono Preamp

I'm interested in a decent phono preamp in the $1,000 area code (plus or minus a few hundred) for my Rega Planar 3 and I have a dynavector 20x2l mc cartridge to work with a tube amp which has both rca and xlr inputs. 

Here's the thing. I really don't like those tiny switches, especially when you have to open the preamp to get to them. Also, I hear that it is best to play around with the gain but how do you do that if changing the settings is a pain in the rear?

There are some preamps with the knobs for settings but they almost always are in the back and, again, that drives me crazy. Why can't the settings be in the front so you can easily access them and make changes/adjustments so you can actually hear differences? 

Anyhow, if anyone has suggestions, I'd much appreciate it.


Hagerman Trumpet MC, easy recommendation. It's well worth the extra 200 bucks or so over 1000. Besides the front controls it's as enjoyable to listen to as multi-$K phono stages. It's tubed and has a warm (but wonderful) tilt to its sound. Also responds well to tube rolling, because it's actually a tube stage and not a tube buffer slapped onto a solid state phono like most of the sub-1000 phono stages. Extra gain for MC is handled by a JEFT headamp that's excellent.

The Hagerman is one I've thought about. Thanks for the suggestions. I'm taking a close look at each one.  

The rich Saudis will scoff at spending less than $1000 on a phono preamp, but you really should give the IFI phono preamp a trial.

It has EXTERNAL switches for gain settings for MM and MC cartridges of various output levels. I tried it with a middle of the road AT MC cartridge, and I love it. Zero noise, sounds lovely. It tests out also as having a perfect RIAA EQ which is one of the most important characteristics of a phono preamp, and very few test that well.

Oh and it has balanced outputs as well as single ended.  And ouf course ground connection.