PART 2. Good Suggestions for Tube Pre/Amp for $6000

Thoroughly enjoyed the original post and would like to pose a similar question specific to my setup/needs. 

I desire a warmer more lively sound for my 1988 Klipschorns- thus tubes. 

My current SS system is crisp/sharp and harsh in my opinion. 

I am currently running Clearaudio Concept MC with McIntosh C33 and MC 2505.   All the components are in excellent condition.

My rectangular room allows the Klipschorns to be placed in corners 18 feet apart and the main focal listening point is 12 feet from the wall with the Klipschorns  

I do enjoy mono records as well but don’t want this to be a deal breaker if the setup doesn’t have that capacity  

I greatly appreciate. 


Carver RAM285.  See Axpona reviews.

Or just buy a 25,@$1995, 30 day in-home trial, then, if you want, you can use the guaranteed trade up value later to upgrade to a 285 or the 350.  (Though a pair of 350s is $9500 currently)

Be one of the first 50 to order a RAM285 and get $1000 off. They state shipping starting in May, though not a specific day in May, so up to 32 days from now.

Yeah, I’ve already requested a 285.  
and yes, I am a Carver guy.  All my amps and my preamp are all Carver. Vintage (rebuilds by Hi-tech and Nelion) and new. (Except the separate HT system, that’s onkyo 11.1)

Thanks for asking.

More depth, realism, elongated, soundstage sound (right or wrong) over a digital crisp sound?  Warm over bright?

This Leben would be a great match with your K-Horns. It's in your price range new. No phono preamp, but you can buy a matching MM preamp from Leben