Audio Research filing for bankruptcy?

I just heard Audio Research might be filing for bankruptcy. This is a shock to me. I just called them a few days ago to have my Ref 6 upgraded to a Ref 6SE. I will also be the new owner of the Ref 750s. I was just wondering if they did go bankrupt what would all those millions of owners do about servicing their equipment. Should I be concerned? I’m alittle worried now. 

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xtattooedtrackman

This is the answer to the question “should a sales professional run the company?”.

‘I’d assumed given Audio Reseach’s pedigree and long standing high end tenure they’d be on very solid ground financially.’

How many people do you think buy ARC equipment? ARC builds great equipment that 99.9999% of the world doesn’t know about nor cares. Even if you take a poll on this website I think you will get a small % of ownership. That’s not a negative thing but the facts in this hobby.

Specialty/low volume stores are going to struggle in this economy and the high interest rates for funding new projects is becoming more expensive. When the economy tanks later this year you will see more companies have problems.

"When the economy tanks later this year you will see more companies have problems.  "


....Tanks alot, @p05129 ....and the Very Special Specialties of/by/for those Special People who own them.... *wry L*  

...become art objects that may or not actually work. ;)

"Trouble in River City!"
((insert Locale here))

If that goes down, there's a tush-load of other companies that domino in-line as well....🤨  

Will the smarter ones in da loop be able to 'keep it local'....instead of a 'bigger affair'?  

Ever consider living out of town?

I mean, Way Out of town.....😏  

Nanook of the North out of town.............