Audio Research in Receivership.

Papers were filed on Friday. Some say AR’s doors are closed for business. 


@ghasley we manufacture audio components so we are pretty much in tune to what goes on in the industry.  Know many reviewers, many distributers, companies, etc.   And yes we can fix repair upgrade built anything audio.  So we offer our assistance to everyone and have our listening room in northern NJ open to everyone. We are not dealers 

As we know from Dutch tulips to the U.S. stock market to bank runs, consumer expectation tends to outrun economic reality. I'm hearing signs of "two channel audio paradigm" panic. In this environment, how sensible is it to hoard one's pennies for that esoteric component whose mfr may go broke in six months; which one's heirs won't want; and which and one's executor will find no market to sell in? I mean limited-budget hobbyists like myself, not the gazillionaires whose $1.5M systems represent only pocket change and who inhabit a global oligarch economy immune from the policies or economies of nations.

My comment about 2-chanel sales being way down was from a source that sells Sonus Faber, McIntosh and other high-end equipment. He had nothing to gain from telling me what he is hearing in dealer meetings and experiencing even in the "white-hot" home real estate market in DFW. While there may be a backlog of orders, they’re not getting replaced with new ones. Why else would Audio Advice recently run a sale on Anthem 8k AVMs and AVRs (yes I know, it’s not the same level as AR) that were really hard to find a year ago? We can thank our "overlords" for pumping all that cheap $ into the economy that is now much more restricted. Yes it was hearsay, but it is from a reliable source.

Post removed 

My money is on the post in the other thread that says the new owners will bleed the company dry then dump it. So much greed and don’t give a s*** what happens to anyone in this world.