Denon PMA-A110 110 Anniversary Edition

This has to be one of the finest pieces Denon has ever put together, at $3600 USD.  4 onboard DAC's, I would have to say at this price point, it probably the best out there and its a limited run stock.  This unit is > than Yamaha Flag item AS3200 at half the cost.

Has anyone tried or listen to this awesome item?

@jond @nick1979 

meant to say 4 DAC chips

The PMA-A110 comes with a Quad D/A converter which uses the Burr Brown PCM1795 chip which operates in a quadruple configuration for "optimal" high-grade sound. Each channel has two PCM1795 chips working in a differential mode to achieve what Denon claim to be "the highest accuracy and best signal to noise ratio." We remember this DAC configuration in the legendary AVR-5800 series of AV receivers. These DAC's sound sweet and the measurements prove it.


@jond , @nick1979 The real question on this is can four Burr Brown PCM1795 DAC Chips sound better and provide a deep soundstage?  I've never owned a Denon equipment before.  But this would definaltey be one of them for sure.  For the price, this would be hard to beat for an all in 1 integrated.

I haven't heard this unit yet but I'm interested. I have listened to the less expensive Denon 900HNE integrated amp in my home and I thought it had something special going for it in the mids and highs when powering some little Sony SSCS-5 bookshelf speakers, making them sound the best I've heard them so far. Out of curiosity I measured the frequency response against another amp and sure enough they were different, with the Denon having slightly less response between 1kHz and 7kHz, and then a couple dB more response above 7kHz. This surprised me because a complaint about the SSCS-5 is too much output above 7kHz.