Boressen speakers

i had the chance to listen to these last year, also planning to listen to them in Munich this year.

I look to purchase a pair not sure which model yet

What is your experience?



@steve59 Wrote:

I don't find any value in the brand, they sound ok, but not special and looks are a personal choice. Borrensen brand will push Aavic electronics and their own cables and tbh are just a market to separate the wealthy from their money.

I agree!


A Borresen+Aavik+Ansuz setup is certainly top tier sounding. I've heard Borresen 5 and Z1 Cryo with assorted Aavik and Ansuz gears. They certainly sounded precise, organic, and not clinical at all. 

If money is no object, sure, just walk into an Audio Denmark dealer, and get the whole package. No need to worry about system synergy since these brands are meant to complement each other. 

Can you get equal or even better quality cheaper with other brands? Of course, but then you would have to experiment and do your research. My own Cabasse setup is equally as good or even better than the Z1 Cryo setup I've heard, but it took me a while to tweak the setup. 

Consider Gaudek Akustik as well, their sound signature is nearly identical to Borresen. I've heard Berlina RC3 paired with Perreaux 300ix and they sounded no different than the Z1 Cryo setup. 

I own an Aavik integrated amp. I got here after owning several popular brands including, but not limited to, Luxman, ARC, Naim, Audio Hungary, Rogue Audio, Raven Audio, etc. For my preferences, the Aavik U-280 that I own is superior to everything else I've owned. I'm not rich and I do a lot of research before purchasing equipment. In fact, 70% of the time I buy used.

As for the comment regarding 'separating the wealthy from their money', you could say the same about any number of high-end brands. How about try one in your own system before passing judgment :)

I heard all 3 Boressen speakers recently at Axpona, all sounded wonderful, very musical with the M3 being the best and not by a small amount. You would think at 270 000 it should. But I can't help wonder that the rest of the equipment had a lot to do with the SQ. 

@rsf507 I agree with your comments regarding the Borresen (and Aavik) gear being highly musical. In my opinion, they have found the right balance between musicality and detail retrieval/resolution. When I bought Luxman 590AXII, I was told that it had a 'tube-like' sound signature. I did not find that to be the case. I was of the opinion that only tube gear sounds like tube gear. So I went back to tubes and never looked back. However, my Aavik integrated is the first amp I've owned where I don't miss tubes. It has enough of the warmth, midrange magic, and holographic imaging to not make me miss tubes. The only thing I miss is the lushness that tubes provide, but that's only on some type of music. For almost everything else, the Aavik is amazing. Also, it doesn't hurt that it has a vice like grip on the woofers and make the speakers behave the way it wants too.

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