Why are People Dumping their Audio Research Gear and What Does it Say about them?

Title says it all. Either you like it and it sounds good or not. What does it say about dealers that are dumping their demos? 

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Conrad Johnson went through the same thing several years back. I suspect the same will happen with Audio Research.  The company will be bought out and people will still be able to get them. There are electronics Engineers, technicians capable are all over the United States that can repair them.  I would not run away so fast. You might be able to get a real deal on a fine gear made to last a lifetime. 

After turning on the REF6SE I have to decide whether to fire up the pair of VT-150 SEs (1995, GE6550s, Telefunken E88CCs) or the pair of REF160M MKIIs (2023 KT150s, 6H30s). Both designs have spectacular sound quality. Both very well built. 

For me it started with the SP3a and a D76 (1975).

Reliable sources state that on Monday, the new owner(s) will be announced. Meanwhile, business as usual.



It’s already done. Audio Research has been purchased and the new owner will be formally disclosed tomorrow.