Dear @gladmo : Transient response/dynamic power ( both directly telated and we can’t aisle each from the other) and very very low every kind of room/system developed distortions.
Which the main difference between live MUSIC and home reproduced sounds?:
for me precisely transient response that develops the MUSIC dynamic power and with dynamic power I’m not refering to SPL. Each instrument played at any SPL has its own dynamic power. Transient response/dynamic power is what develops the overall natural tone color in live MUSIC where between you and the MUSIC source exist almost only the air. For me all the audiophile adjectives for any room/system characteristics comes from there added by several kind of distortions that puts several kind of " colorations " to the whole room/system tone " color ".
To stay truer to the recorded source we need those characteristics before looking for any other. We need to put at minimum evry kind of distortion developed at each link in the room/syastem chain, it helps.
Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,