Don't sell your tube amps

Although this was an article in a guitar Magazine, I thought it might interest those who own stereo tube equipment:



Class D is coming like a freight train.....Atmasphere in the lower price points and Aavik in the higher end are both on the fore front of making beautiful , magical music. ..the tubey sound we all love without the drawbacks associated with the tubes themselves.m

Maybe or maybe not . Time and the marketplace will decide. If new generation class D causes people to dump their tube amplifiers by the boatload, so be it. One consistent characteristic of high end audio is that new and different is always better. Things do evolve over time. However, not always superior outcomes by default. We all shall see.


Long live tubes !!!!    Well , the amps they are in anyway.    Tubes themselves have a finite life , but that's OK so do I .    

I don't really care about tube life as long as it's longer than mine.  The tube equipment I use operates tubes very conservatively to extend tube life as much as possible.  My doctor does the same thing with me.

I own three tube amps and wouldn't consider selling them. I also own solid state amps, but find myself playing my tube amps more often. What I enjoy, other  than the sound, is ability to roll the tubes to achieve a more refined or different sound which you can't do with solid state amps. Just my two cents. 

 Tubes will be around longer than many think. Same of the internal combustion engine and the gas range. This will all change once people start looking at the grid and electrical infrastructure. Will it all end one day? Yes, but not in our lifetimes or our children's or our grandchildren's.