Dynaudio Heritage + Gold Note IS-1000 Deluxe

How do you think about this pairing? Would Gold Note be able to feed Dynaudio's hungry machines? 

If not, do you have any better suggestions for a similar price? 


I’ve had Focus 140s and Contour 20s. Odyssey Audio amps worked really well. Lyngdorf integrated ran out of juice really quick on the Contours. Wish I could have heard them with a more beefy amp. 
i did hear some Contour 60s with an Octave V110 or V80 and it was really good. Sounded thick and detailed and dynamic. Good stuff. 

From the specs, the Gold Note should work well. I ran a Pass Labs INT25 w my HS’s and it sounded great. Then I moved up to a PL X250.8 and it really opened things up. The speakers like good power. A Pass INT 60 that’s been certified may be a fantastic solution. 

What’s your budget you didnot mention ? The Luxman new 570z 210 wpc into 4 ohms very nice sound ,my friend bought one $9k  retail , and at perrotta consultants got a sweet deal sounds great , thePass labs 250  has more raw power   For $12,500   Both are excellent  your speakers in a average size room 

would work very well with the Luxman such has many new designs in the new570Z 

and plenty of good reviews , 

I’ve driven a pair of the Dynaudio Heritage (as well as Sonus Faber Maxima Amators) with both a PrimaLuna Evolution 400, and a Sugden A21SE. The latter is a lesser known British integrated. There is a YouTube video comparing it favorably to the Pass INT25. The Sugden is available for $3750 (Don Better Audio). FYI, I listen to classical, jazz, and classic rock at moderate volumes, and the volume control is around 9 o’clock. Best wishes.