Tell me your experiences...specifically the dulcets and de capo's
To specifically answer your question Nyaudio98 I would say the Decapos have outstanding soundstaging, when properly set-up and excellent imaging. There are many monitors that image well, so nothing too special there but their soundstaging is very noteworthy of mention, for reasons given above. I would add that, with the right amplifier and source component these speakers can make the music breathe with the energy of a live performance easily resolving the space of the recording venue. Also they work well with all types of music from rock to symphonic. There is no substitute for listening as YMMV.
I was not able to audition speakers so i just took a plunge.

got a set of NIB Cometes for a damn good price and had them for 2 years and was able to sell them for what i paid. I buy used and have had good luck selling things for what i paid for or a little less (rent:)

if you got the change to play
Hello Nyaudio98

I've noticed you've posted several threads going back a few years regarding Reference 3a speakers. It seems you are asking for the same information yet you're still not convinced.

No speaker is going to be the same thing to everyone and your priorities and preferences may be different than mine or someone else's. In addition, for what it's worth, few have heard all the condenders under ideal circumstances in all cases. I know it is difficult to hear everything and you certainly want to make the best choice but at some point you've got to pull the trigger. Asking the same questions and getting the same responses, negative or positive will NEVER substitute for hearing first hand. I've listened to many loudspeaker and systems over the years and while the Ref 3a's are not perfect they ARE suited for music afficianados but maybe less so for die hard audiophiles that have a tendency to overstate, understate a product based on THEIR taste. It is often difficult to wade through the opinions and get some real concensus. Sometimes the best thing to do when this happens is to read the reviews and see if you can find concensus there along with the opinions of past and present users. Those that have casually heard but quite possibly not LISTENED should be ignored. Regardless of the information you receive you have to read between the lines. Even then listening with YOUR ears with commensurate electronics is ultimately going to be the real tell. For the dough these are damn good loudspeakers, IMHO! :)

Good luck!
I've had both Triangle Celius and Titus, and now have the de Capo BE (I installed the beryllium tweeters after talking with Tash). The Triangles in memory seemed more transparent, more in-front; the de Capo's have much more presence and bloom.

Both are incredible speakers.

If/when I sell my de Capo's (original rosewood finish, too; none of this Nextel stuff), it'll be either for the Grand Veenas or perhaps a pair of Dynaudio floors.

But I don't plan on doing that anytime soon.
I ask alot of questions. Sometimes different people answer the next time you ask. Listening to the de capo's is gonna be next to impossible.