My Sonic Lab Platinum v Gold Signature

Has anyone compared them? I’m tempted by the Platinum but a little concerned it might edge into hyper-detail, which is not my happy place. The Gold reputedly has more body, but I’m wondering whether this comes at the expense of hard-won things like nuance and dynamics.

From what I can tell the main, perhaps only, design differences are cantilever and body material. The Platinum features a boron cantilever and titanium body; the Gold sports Duralumin, a form of aluminum, for both. Myself, I’ve never heard an aluminum cantilever that didn’t color or soften the sound somewhat, but then I’ve never heard one on a top flight cartridge like the MSL. Both have a DCR of 1.4 ohm and an output of 0.5mV.

The tonearm is a Graham Phantom Supreme; the phonostage is an Allnic H3000, probably via its 13x SUT. Based on MSL’s recommendation, the ideal load impedance is around 3-400 ohms (surprising for such low DCR), so this ratio should get me pretty close to what either one needs. Turntable is an Artisan Fidelity SP10R. Music is mostly jazz.

I'm especially interested in direct comparisons, but I also welcome experiences with either cartridge, and thoughts on how they might mesh with my arm and 'table.

Thanks in advance.



@wrm57 - I’d have to look at the unit or a drawing of it to tell you but with the Airtight Supreme I think the setting was roughly 82 ohms [oops, I checked the drawing I think it was 70 ohms] on the "primary" side (if that is the correct way to describe the transformer). I found, with the Koetsus (stones, a Jade and a Tiger Eye), they liked closer to 100 ohms. I guess I start with the rule that the setting should be 10x the internal impedance of the cartridge, but I then try different settings, which as you know, is pretty simple on the Allnic.

The Koetsu gives my system something it lacked- gravitas and a very "filled in" sound in the bass. I always found that to be a weakness with the Avantgarde Duo, so maybe I’m just offsetting one compromise with another. But it works! (I also added 15 inch subs and a cheap little DSP unit- the sub system does not interfere with the main amps or speakers but runs from a separate line out from the line stage).

Good to see you, buddy!


To concur with some of the others’ statements, I also went from an Airtight PC-1s, which was a considerably warm cartridge, but almost equally as magical as the Sig Gold. I found the Sig Gold to be just a little less bloomy and much better in terms of dynamics and detail. It is still slightly on the warm side of neutral, but it’s exactly what is needed given the neutrality of the remainder of my system. 

So @blisshifi , if the Gold is slightly on the warm side of neutral, would the Platinum be on the cool side, or right at neutral itself? I’m trying to get an idea of its relative position on this scale as you hear it.

I am yet to get a demonstration of these Cart's. It is on a Bucket List which also has the Mutech Hayabusa and Ortofon Verismo as well.

When investigating the MSL's, I discovered a report from a individual who I have followed for quite a few years and have come to trust.

The report shares about MSL Cart's and the Mutech Hayabusa. As a result of using the Cart's, it is making it known the Hayabusa is offering much of everything the MSL Cart's are offering, with its own variance and the Mutech Hayabusa Cart' is usually found at a more affordable price.

I have put a Link to this report recently in another Thread.