How many of you streaming?

How many of you streaming Qobuz, Roon etc find yourself skipping through songs? Do you find yourself listening to an entire album start to finish?


I shuffle my entire library and listen to most every track that comes up. It’s my library so all stuff I like. I will use Roon Radio to launch me into new stuff on qobuz sometimes. Sometimes I play an entire album but albums are a very 20th century way to package and listen to music. Most releases don’t justify it. I like to be surprised what I hear next most of the time. Was always a big radio fan and now one can create their own playlists or listen to others made for you in so many different ways. Life is good!

If I like whatever I'm hearing I'll listen until something else happens in my life that needs attending to. If I have to wait to the next day to continue listening to the album I'll certainly do it.

In the main, though, I'm not a fan of computer-generated playlists. The playlists seldom seem to be generated by a knowing host/deejay. It's usually just inferior, sound-alike stuff from the same genre.

Sometimes I bounce about, sometimes I don’t.  Most albums have a lot of filler songs.  Not all can be good and the newer ones seem to have a LOT more fillers in these days of streaming.  

I’m about 95% vinyl, with the rest a combination of CD and streaming.  Either way, I almost always play an album start to finish.  

I stream with Qobuz.  
No longer with Tidal

And I have began to buy digital albums with Qobuz.   
I want to build an audio library.

I have Lumin X1 and I just learned that there is a Lumin L2  .  
It should be better than my NAS