I am just very happy with my system.

Just very happy and I'm just listening to old collection with a mix of discovering new ones. 

I think it's time to start saving money for some kef blade metas or some gorgeous Sonus faber or something 😁


I hate everything about my system. The looks. The sound. And, my wife’s opinion? I’ll just say that I’m wildly enthusiastic about the system by comparison.

Lots of opportunities for upgrades. Any suggestions?


My vote is the OP is perfectly happy with his system and is joking about saving for new speakers.

I’m content as a cat currently as well but KEF meta blades……so tempting! Smaller mbls too.  

Unfortunately I grew up in Amish country and have a conscience so then I think……so I really need that?  Of course the answer is no.  Want and need…two different things.  Lots of needed things mostly for others could be done with that money.