Taylor Swift Concert Prices

My brother in law in Rhode Island is significantly unhappy with his spouse and daughter who spent $1K each for a ticked to hear TS at Patriot Place (in a driving rainstorm, to boot).  I also think it is absurd but pointed out to him that most artists these days make the bulk of their revenue off concerts, with the decline in physical media and the very poor payments from streaming.  He was more impressed when I told him that for what they spent one could get a decent surround system that could play concert Blu rays.

  I know of quite a few people who are dissapointed that they can’t spring that kind of dough to either personally attend or be able to buy a ticket for their kids, and others who have spent for TS tickets but who are agonizing about what they are passing up by doing so, like a family vacation, for example.

  Audiophiles make the same types of decisions, but at least the products that we buy are not for one night of music pleasure.  My sister in law would actually have a stroke if her husband were to spend a few grand for a decent system (he wants one, and we have had this discussion through the years).  I would argue that she just handed him ammo for the next skirmish they have.




 I agree- “ I would argue that she just handed him ammo for the next skirmish they have.”

The man should have his stereo system.



Good on ya! Son & future Daughter-in-law also attended Iggy’s show four weeks ago in Los Angeles at Orpheum Theater, had the time of their lives from what I’ve heard. Towards the end Iggy allowed approximately 20 fans from the audience on stage. Consequently and in Lexi fashion, she happened to be first, done wrapped her arms around him (bear hug style) then proceeded dancing face to face and along side.

Sitting fourth row with a great view of Chad Smith, my son was slightly fixated.

I’m of the vintage that remembers fondly the concerts I went to back 50+  years ago, when tickets were less than $10.  Better yet, at my favorite local venue, I could     things like price are relative.  We grew up paying such-and-such and then think it’s “highway robbery” what they charge today.  My father bought brand new cars in the 1960’s with popular features for $3,000.  When my mother bought a new 1980 Chevy Monte Carlo with turbo-charged engine, my Dad thought that was highway robbery.

I’ve long thought that people today are DESPERATE for entertainment and will pay almost any price to see favorite acts.  With some, I think it is as much or more being able to say, “I was there!” as enjoyment of the concert itself.  Fortunately, I can usually find acts I want to see for $100/ticket or less, so I don’t pay the big prices.  I’ve seen enough of the older acts to know that most have lost a lot of ability over the decades,  so not paying huge money to see the Stones is no sacrifice.  

I'm not really a TS fan, but did find this Tiny Desk concert she did you be pretty impressive.  Especially the version of the "The Man" she does here.

