The damper, the tension wire and cantilever position

This question is for Dover. I would prefer our ''heighest authority'' Carr but

am reluctant to bather his with possible silly question. Dover however,

whom I regard as ''second authority'' , is used to answer also silli questions.

Now my assumption is that damper to which coills are ,say, pressed

by tension wire  balance cantilever/stylu combo in  ''all directions'';

left and right and above and below . BUT they also MUST FOLLOW


My observation however is that also ''deviant'' cantilevers which

nobody would buy look STRAIGHT IN DE GROOVE. Ergo:: it is

the groove which determine cantilevet/stylus position .?


@nandric  Welcome Back.

Good to see you are pondering the Mechanical Interfaces within a Cartridges Assembly.

I have many discussions on this subject behind me.

It is the one subject that pretty much suggests each Cart' is unique in how it presents a signal as a result of the condition of these interfaces. 


Dear pindac,  Am I supposed   to search in the ''endless'' MM thread for

your discussion on ''this subject'' or other ''discussions''? 

Thera are, generaly speking, two mothods for learning. One is ''from

our eperience'', the other ''from our errors''. I wil ''eleaborate'' on the later.

Those usualy start with some confession. My is that I spend an

fortune on straigthening the cantilevers by cartridges which I purchased

with strath cantievers. .The first question was why my friend retipper

Axel Schurholz  as well my new friend retipper from Poland never told

me that this was not , say, necessary? But the other question provided

the answer: why should they? 

The other question is more difficult to answer: what or how deed al

those straith cantolever become ''deviant'' . The only answer is that

some of my cartrideges felt negloected. Mind you I owned +60 samples.

As everybody else  I had also  my darlings. 10 of those ''pre-adjusted''

in their own headshell such that I was able to change them in 5 min.

time on my beloved FR-64 S. (''S'' for steel as well SILVER). .

But I need to wait for Dover In order to check my presupposition.