The Cart' is designed as a Sacrificial Component, where the first in confirming this, is the Styli and the environment it is to function in. It is expected by the designer, manufacturer, retailer, and end user to lose its perfection and become a inferior part.
Lesser known is whether the Armature, either formed from a Metal or Mineral, is able to maintain its pre-use properties as a result of exposure to the Styli's function within the Groove. Are the Armature materials able to resist fracture or other signs of deterioration as a result of energies being transferred through them.
Typically a Armature has a part utilised where it interfaces and is attached. Again this is one other place where a fragility is present. Again it is not common knowledge if such a interface/attachment can lose its designed properties, as a result of the connection being exposed to the energies transferred from the function of the Styli and Armature as a whole.
A Damper will evolve in how it performs as a elastic, it will become a material that has desirable properties and will at some time lose its desirable properties for the elasticity it can offer.
The Tension Wire pretty much speaks for itself, it is supplied with a Tension applied. There will most likely be tolerances in place for the range of tension to be applied. This in itself will be a condition that can create a slight change to a sonic. The Gauge of the Tension Wire and the stresses applied to the wire whilst trying to maintain the Armature to remain within a operational envelope will at some point loosen of the Tension on the Wire.
All Cart's in general seem to have reports made about them, that a usage period has been required for the Cart' to have been 'Run In'. Some will claim a Cart' did not require a a 'Run In'.
It is generally accepted that a Damper is the material being effected by the early period of use and is the materials to become optimised in its elastic properties chosen for the Cart's design.
Is it not also possible that the Tension Wire is being impacted on by being exposed to the early period of usage and is also developing into a part that is optimised for the Cart' to perform as per the design.
If either of the above is with a proportion of correctness as a description, it leans towards the notion, the Body is the only part that is not to be detrimentally impacted on by regular use of a Cart.
It is also a possibility the Generator can deteriorate over time and not measure in the same capacity it had shown when first put into use.
A Cart' is undoubtedly a part that is to deteriorate, it is a part expected to need replacing/overhauling as a result of usage, it is a part that can not maintain a condition once held at a previous time.
Is the commonly quoted guideline of 1000hrs usage, the only period required to be to be considered for a Cart' to be selected for undergoing a treatment to revive the optimised performance from the Cart'?
If this thread were able to clearly define the period of time for which a part of the Cart' will be the first to need a replacement part or attention as a service, to maintain a previous optimised working condition, that would be a useful info.