The damper, the tension wire and cantilever position

This question is for Dover. I would prefer our ''heighest authority'' Carr but

am reluctant to bather his with possible silly question. Dover however,

whom I regard as ''second authority'' , is used to answer also silli questions.

Now my assumption is that damper to which coills are ,say, pressed

by tension wire  balance cantilever/stylu combo in  ''all directions'';

left and right and above and below . BUT they also MUST FOLLOW


My observation however is that also ''deviant'' cantilevers which

nobody would buy look STRAIGHT IN DE GROOVE. Ergo:: it is

the groove which determine cantilevet/stylus position .?


Dear edgewear, I am very sorry to see your reaction. I very much enjoy discussion

with you. Now regarding dover I am as surprised as you are. I can't imgaine any

reason for him not to like me. Except for my reference to New  Zealand as Dutch

Zeeland, But he is an American  so he should not feel insulted by my  jokes

about New Sealand. BTW it is Zeeland . I know this Province in Holland .. 

As an  scientist he probably want to first check my finding with his own

experiment. If those don't produce the same result he maybe so polite not to

contradict my ''theory'' in order not to embarrass his forum friend,



@nandric , then it is impossible for you to set up a turntable correctly or understand how a cartridge functions. I'll give you the short answer. The groove moves the cantilever above the resonance frequency of the suspension. It is not responsible for the position of the cantilever in space. 

@nandric Sorry you have not been able to draw the attention of your select choice for contributors to your thread, I get the jist, that if the Maestro's are not commenting, other participation from non-reputed folk can hurt ones ambitions.

I sense your discontent with having been overlooked and take it on the chin fair and square, that as a non-reputed contributor, I have provoked a Big Ego and been dealt a blow as it it displays a retaliative bite.      

To be informed that I have no understanding that a Tie Wire has a function to position the cantilever and coil in a precision positioning to align with a magnet, is a silly statement to make. The compression applied to the Damper Material and alignment of the coil, is to be achieved by a specific tensioning of the wire and compression of the Damper Material.

As I do not build or overhaul any type of Cart's, I am limited in knowledge in these areas, but have a reasonable 'laymans' handle on the parts seen belonging to a typical assembly and the fundamentals of the intended function.

As a 'Layman' offering a description as the one stated earlier in this thread, the Tie Wire is sharing a few roles of which one is to perform as a restraint. When the wire is set to a precision tensioning, the wire will be a constraint to parts that are able to move, and enforced to function within a operational envelope.   

Setting aside your reciting of Olden Japanese designs and designers, and the construction of your inquiries and responses, I don't think our understanding of a MC Cart's operation is too far apart.

Mijostyn,I have no idea where you live. Alaska? But in Holland  for ''those prices''

the TT, the tonearm as well the cart are installed by the dealer. Do you missed

all those arguments of our beloved Dover? How many  (whole) STEREO''S  he 

installed for his customers. Their rewards caused by gratude was such that

he was able to move to(Dutch ) New Sealand and enjoy ''rich live'' at distance

from the poluted USA of America, with better wine than those made in

California not to mention HOLY WATER my real reason to visit him there.

I certainly need ''some'' at  my age. As ONE can conclude from my thought s

about Hume I am not poor.  So can buy my own wine  there and be independant

from dover's hospitality consisting of  an half glas of wine. 


Dear pindac, It is the other way round. It is called student paradox. If an

student does not understand whatever his professor has stated he will

no blame professor but himself. The professor is an genius and I am

not sufficient smart to understand him. Examples in abundace. Each

and every German know who Kant and Hegel are but hardly any have

heard about Frege the father of modern logic. I eeded to learn English

because tthe most information about Frege was in English

Take Wittgenstein as example. I have no idea what he counts as

phylosphy but in his ''phylosopical invetigation'' he wrote 10000

phylosphical REMARKS while an normal person can remember, say,

about 10. Who would expect support for such ''modest opinion'' about

human mind? 

Well I got it from Fermi ''from'' particle physics by particle physicist.

He stated;''If i was smarter I coud rememeber more of those particles''.

When I  read your post I feel like ''those students''.