The damper, the tension wire and cantilever position

This question is for Dover. I would prefer our ''heighest authority'' Carr but

am reluctant to bather his with possible silly question. Dover however,

whom I regard as ''second authority'' , is used to answer also silli questions.

Now my assumption is that damper to which coills are ,say, pressed

by tension wire  balance cantilever/stylu combo in  ''all directions'';

left and right and above and below . BUT they also MUST FOLLOW


My observation however is that also ''deviant'' cantilevers which

nobody would buy look STRAIGHT IN DE GROOVE. Ergo:: it is

the groove which determine cantilevet/stylus position .?


Dear pindac, It is the other way round. It is called student paradox. If an

student does not understand whatever his professor has stated he will

no blame professor but himself. The professor is an genius and I am

not sufficient smart to understand him. Examples in abundace. Each

and every German know who Kant and Hegel are but hardly any have

heard about Frege the father of modern logic. I eeded to learn English

because tthe most information about Frege was in English

Take Wittgenstein as example. I have no idea what he counts as

phylosphy but in his ''phylosopical invetigation'' he wrote 10000

phylosphical REMARKS while an normal person can remember, say,

about 10. Who would expect support for such ''modest opinion'' about

human mind? 

Well I got it from Fermi ''from'' particle physics by particle physicist.

He stated;''If i was smarter I coud rememeber more of those particles''.

When I  read your post I feel like ''those students''.

@nandric Good Luck with receiving the support from the individuals who you called for in the OP.

Maybe if I read it more intently, I would not have focused on the "deviant" cantilever section, but also realised your first sentence is a notification that your desired to have a censorship on the replies. 

One lives and learns, always read the small print.

There is a paradox to consider, that could also be referred to has having a whiff to the notion. If one is looking for the renowned to be induced to offer a commentary, if the content offered is fitting and suitable, it may be such, that the same content is used in a private presentation to underpin ones own agendas.  

pindac, this tread is not about you nor me. So nether ego is involved. The

topic  is about ''function together of mentioned ''parts'' + LP groove.

The grammar force us to put everything in ''subject-predicate'' sentence

form but grammar has problems with ''relational'' phenomena's. Now

I am not talking about defective cantilevers nor dampers nor tension

wire. But about wat I named ''deviations''. One can see deviation of the

cantilever from ''straight'' position. If one own an +5K cart this may be

called ''shocking'' experiece  The poorer kind among us also by +200$.

But if we know that ''small deviation from straigth'' is not ''what it looks

like'' we can sleep well. The first to blame is not cantilever but damper.

We all know (?) that as ''function of time'' they can ''harden'' or 'dry

out'' or become ''weak'' or ''to soft''. We deed not yet mention ''low

riders''. But  we do remember  those phantastic Technics 205 (?)

kinds which become wortless  because of the ''soft damber. No way

to fix those. Not only ''monetary'' loss but also ''sentimental'' kind.of


So we have , speaking in language of formula's, 4 variables. The only

''one'' that I am not sure about are those 2 srews on the generator.

That is why I asked for DOVER'S help. But the (Dutch) New Sealand

PRIMA DONNA  feels probably ''insulted' one way or the other and

refuse to cooperate. I changed my mind about him and will not visit

him in his new country. Besides I can buy my own wine from Italy or

France. Compared to HIS  who would care  about New ZEELAND kind?

About ''egos'' or members. There ara those who think that their

English is a kind of priviledge in intellectual sense. I got remarks 

as  : ''your  English is second languge.'' . My answer was 

''my English is my 5th language''. I got no answer from this

''tickheaded person''. They don't grasp that their own forum

is international. I myself  was  seen as the member of the

''German group'' (with my beloved ''der Tonearm'' and Syntax).

If someone is to blame for my English thsn our Lew.

I decaalred him as my English  teacher. so those who intend

to blame MY English should address their post to Lew. 


When a Cart' is purchased for whatever the retail or purchase value, it is fundamentally a sacrificial part, 'expected' to deteriorate in performance.

How one chooses to continue with the usage of the Cart' when signs of deterioration shows is their choice. If they convince themselves that placing the Styli in the Groove is a solution to be used as a temporary correction, then this is their choice, and any unwanted knock on effects of this practice will commence being realised. 

The Cart' in use, will typically be subjected to a depreciation in value, as a result of the idea it has been used, even if the reported usage is claimed to be very low in hours, the unknowing and fragility of the device is the controlling factor, with this in mind, it is an individuals choice, for how much they want to pay for the same levels of fragility that are present across the entirety of the price range.

It is each to their own, when it comes to how much they would like to have attached, as a cost to be incurred to replay a Album, using the 1000 Hours as a guidance, a replay of a album can have an approx' cost of $1.50 - $13. There are very enjoyable experiences on offer from all Cart's, reports from users are sharing this on a regular basis.  

If the Cantilever is seen to be askew and has changed in appearance to an earlier observed alignment, especially one that was not noticeable with an askew being present. The chances are that a change has occurred to other under the hood parts, and this change to condition has manifested as a change to the cantilevers position.

An Aluminium Cantilever might endure a force and show as being curved or bent, but I am not sure if a mineral cantilever has ever been discovered with a curve formed on it.