Dear pindac, It is the other way round. It is called student paradox. If an
student does not understand whatever his professor has stated he will
no blame professor but himself. The professor is an genius and I am
not sufficient smart to understand him. Examples in abundace. Each
and every German know who Kant and Hegel are but hardly any have
heard about Frege the father of modern logic. I eeded to learn English
because tthe most information about Frege was in English
Take Wittgenstein as example. I have no idea what he counts as
phylosphy but in his ''phylosopical invetigation'' he wrote 10000
phylosphical REMARKS while an normal person can remember, say,
about 10. Who would expect support for such ''modest opinion'' about
human mind?
Well I got it from Fermi ''from'' particle physics by particle physicist.
He stated;''If i was smarter I coud rememeber more of those particles''.
When I read your post I feel like ''those students''.