Perfect Vinyl Forever

I have quite a few LPs that I would like to clean better than with my manual technique.  It is not cost effective for me to buy an Ultrasonic device.  Any experience that can be shared with the mail in service, "PERFECT VINYL FOREVER"?


I own and occasionally use an Ultrasonic cleaner.  Most of the time I clean with an old Nitty Gritty machine that I converted to totally manual operation.  I spin the record by hand to "scrub" in both directions and I then thoroughly vacuum away the cleaning fluid; again done with manual rotation.  For almost all my records, this kind of cleaning is sufficient.  But, on a small handful of used records I've purchased, even the most thorough cleaning did not get all of the crap out of the groove.  I thought the noise and distortion on some of these records was from groove damage.  But, following ultrasonic cleaning a small number of records improved dramatically, evidently from removing gunk that was practically glued to the record.  It is such a small number of records that cleaned up better with ultrasonic cleaning that I do not think it is an essential tool; but, it is something that does work.


You write, "So your ASSUMPTIONS about my unit are way off base! "

I made NO assumptions. I shared three possible reasons for your getting different results. Why so angry? Why so defensive?

And again, "You don’t have the expertise to be making the bad judgements that you’re casting out here." 

Are you claiming that only you have the expertise required to make bad judgements? Doesn't that make you nervous?

@terry9  No matter chronological age, some people aren't mature enough to deal with any advice, even if well-meant but perhaps mistaken as mine might have been. A reasonable response could have been "I see why you say that about 2007, but actually I had an advanced machine...." and so on.

What this site needs is an 'ignore' function. Then he could ignore me!