Best Forum to hear experienced audiophiles exchange thoughts?

I don't want to say I have outgrown this site but I do know

I want more. 


There are many other sites but where are the forums where people

talk about new gear? What's Best is terrible to try to maneuver thru.







Back in the day, before the Internet, we used to do listening sessions among friends. Some were associated with audio clubs --not so easy to find unless you are near a large metro area--and some were entirely informal--just a hang at someone's house, spending time listening, chatting, maybe a meal. Different hosts had different systems and occasionally (more often with the formal audio clubs) equipment was brought in for evaluation. That's one way to scratch the itch.

I also like to do a lot of primary research. For example, if you are a member of the AES, you should be able to get access to their archive, which is extensive. There's lots of good info, particularly on vinyl LP manufacture, which is informative. There are also secondary sources that can lead you deeper into historical and antiquarian designs- e.g. Lansing Heritage. Some have user fora. Others, like Hi-Fi Heroin, explore antiquarian equipment but do not to my knowledge have a forum function. The London Jazz Collector is a good site for a self-explanatory topic.

Is there one user generated content site that has it all? Not to my knowledge. One of the reasons a general topic audio board like this one seems chaotic is that it covers a lot of ground. But if there are specific brands or areas of interest, you may find some depth, e.g. Klangfilm. There are, as mentioned upthread, some Facebook (I know) pages dedicated to topics like horn speakers. 

One thing to consider is starting your own blog to address the things that interest you. It may attract others. NB- I did this starting in 2015, mainly to talk about LPs and record care-- it does take time and effort but scratched an itch for me and in the process I learned a lot from others. 

Good luck,

Bill Hart



my deep salutation to hilde45 who did not  loose the habit to be spot on...

Agree with you 100%. Many just either can’t or don’t want to go to the trouble of dealing with room acoustics. A bad room is in direct collision with what good sound actually requires. The result is that many are forced into bad faith -- in other words, they insist that this or that factor (or component) makes a big difference, when in fact they have excluded the room and just become more emphatic to compensate.

I like Audiogon especially because of some of the regulars who are knowledgeable, helpful, and offer their expertise to the rest of us graciously. I also appreciate the site moderators who have done a good job clearing out trolls over the past year or so. If you look back a couple years and read some of the content posted, a lot of it was pretty hostile No so much today where Audiogon is for the most part very pleasant and enjoyable.

I’ll have to give Audio Aficionado a look see. I enjoy Steve Hoffman which is relatively a more "blue collar" audio site so to speak. I like this site to hear about what the more well heeled (not me) can afford and occasional recording specialists and audio engineers offerings. I also like there are a lot of old guys on this site, having joined their ranks over the past few years..


"Audio topics are especially subjective, and very personal"

If I were a speaker maker, it would be. But as a user, buyer, I don't find it personal. If I had A speaker and B and someone said here that they suck, I couldn't care less. I care about what I hear. But I see the tribes here I just don't get it. Maybe they are selling stuff and it hurts their marketing. 

100% agree with you about what others think.  I meant that our tastes are personal... not as in "I'm offended" personal.  😄  The sound we prefer, the music style, the look of the gear, tonal balance, etc.....all personal choices.  Some people want their systems to sound like a dance club, others want a concert hall, yet others want a rock concert.  All different objectives, with a different reference, so very likely will have different systems with different strengths.  

Relative to the OP's reference to experienced high end listeners, I suspect more of them lean toward concert hall than dance club, or at least in many cases they want  the system to reveal whatever took place during the recording session, whatever that may be.

The OP has made the two following statements,

"Exchange Thoughts?",

"Thanks to all who responded. No one mentioned the AGon Private

membership (paid) option.  Anyone tried it?

Now Let me change the question slightly.

What do you subscribe to in terms of magazines?

Which YouTubers do you subscribe to?

Which shows do you attend?

Which retailer do you find to always give good counsel?

Where else do you go to learn what is new?"


It does seem this is generally a method to discover and individuals commentary on a piece of 'equipment', as well as discover a demo' of 'equipment' which will be a very very low quality audio experience.

The only real benefit of using these methods to acquire information about 'equipment', is that a well honed presentation is seen to suit the Marketing for the product, the aesthetic of the product will be seen with a manipulation to create a allure.

As a method, it is not offering experiencing through demonstration, and allowing for the making of ones own evaluation. The sonic produced is needing to be listened to, other's description will vary and be without consistency, unless 'Power On' is being assessed, I would hope all shared views would be unanimous.

It is from using a recognised audio system, or at the least a audio system that has recognised attractions, that is set up in a dedicated space, that will enable the listener to make valued assessment. This can't be attained through a forum or media portal, making a presumptive evaluation about a sonic, using this method will only create a fantastical chain of thought.

Visiting a Dealership or a Exhibition at a show, is an improved method to learn where a piece of 'equipment' can present as being perceived as an attraction/repellant, and if the former is being perceived, the assessment can extend to deciding if the 'equipment' being demo'd is suited to assist in meeting ones own unique preferences for experiencing audio. 

Many years past, I used the media to gather information on products, (rave reviews) and a selection of products were sought out and demo'd (back in the days of many local retailers). I recollect cutting demo's short because of the impression being made not being an attractor in any way. 

I learnt to discover retailers that had equipment that was very attractive to my tastes, and used Exhibitions to have a high turnover of demo's, making discoveries  that were leading to get to the place I felt I really wanted a system to produced around.

It was at this time, after meeting quite few of the Cottage Industry Companies presenting at exhibitions, and the communications that had been had with these Companies, that influenced and eventually changed my overall thought process.

At the time, I believed I was making a big decision, which resulted in my turning my back on the mainstream media and the suppliers of audio equipment that is found through visiting these portals.

I commenced on the journey of meeting very adept EE's that specialised in audio equipment. This is when I started to have the designs for equipment I was intending to use commission built for myself. I have never looked back, the only 'Off the Shelf' audio device/ancillaries with a Brand Name in my system is a Perfect Wave Transport and Cables, anything else is a designed from scratch model or a Branded Model that has a vintage status, that is heavily modified and only aesthetically resembling the original model.