The damper, the tension wire and cantilever position

This question is for Dover. I would prefer our ''heighest authority'' Carr but

am reluctant to bather his with possible silly question. Dover however,

whom I regard as ''second authority'' , is used to answer also silli questions.

Now my assumption is that damper to which coills are ,say, pressed

by tension wire  balance cantilever/stylu combo in  ''all directions'';

left and right and above and below . BUT they also MUST FOLLOW


My observation however is that also ''deviant'' cantilevers which

nobody would buy look STRAIGHT IN DE GROOVE. Ergo:: it is

the groove which determine cantilevet/stylus position .?


@nandric These evaluations being made by yourself, on the idea certain Cart's are not being effected by deterioration as a result of having a long life since being issued and used are heavily laden subjective opinion, as it is for anybody who makes their evaluations known about Cart's with a long life behind them since being new.

There is also the idea once more forming, that an effort is being made for creating a self-advantageous position. It does seem that by giving such subjective appraisal that negates the idea, flaw is developing, will assist with maintaining or even ascending the financial value of the Cart'. Adding the idea that there is also a rarity of such Cart's will always be good for the achievement to be realised.

I'm throwing cautiousness to the wind, I no longer see how this Thread has anything to do with the OP, it seems to me, that it is leaning toward the notion that a priming is being undertaken for an upcoming event, the ground is being tested for producing a convincing theory.

Attempt's are appearing to be made, to create the suggestion that Cart's with deterioration resulting from wear and tear, are worthy of having an amplified Value placed on it. Especially, if there is also the intent to add some other versions of a romanticism about the origin of the Cart' being included in a description to a party showing a interest. The question is how much value can be added, especially, if the addition of the added Value is to be seen as being converted into a asking price.  



kennes, I don't believe I mentioned ''stylus angle'' in my thread. 4 variables

are obviously not sufficient for you. The most people can hardly handle

2 as the sentnce form prove : X is P. In place of variable X one can put

whatever name one like and in place of P as predicate varibale whatever

''property'', ''qualification'',or ''condemnation'', one want. My point was

that the cantilever must follow ''YOUR STYLUS'' in both directions: vertical

as well horizontal while this is allowed by damper's elasticity in both named

direction. If the cantileevr /stylus combo refuse to do so than either the

damper is dry out or to soft . In this case whatever shape your stylus may

have you will not get any sound from all 4 variables values, 

Dear Lew, You should not use American abreviation by addressing 

foreigners who already have difficulty to undertsanr your eloquent

English.''As simple as possible but not simpler ''as you ever stated

to be your credo. I have no idea what WAM means. 

Dear pindac, I am an suspicious creature and think that you invented an

difficult to ''grasp'' variation on ''strow man'' strategy. My intentions

are not hiden. Anyone can try his '''not straith cantilever'' to check my

assertion. Those who start with the whole adjustments procedure in

''static position'' obviously have forgotten the words of our first

real scientis Galileo : ''it moves''. Despite all the dangers of

Catholic inquisition. He  also was the firat who refute Aristoteles

physics who dominated western education for 2000 years.

Based on his authority. That is why back than there was no

discrimintion betweem ''authority'' and ''verity''.

@nandric I have not contributed to make my place within the thread as having a upper hand.

I have been prompted to be a contributor, in relation to a ’deviant’ cantilever, that looks straight in a groove.

I myself have been wanting to see an alternative description supplied within this thread as an explanation on this subject, as my knowledge is limited to my experiences.

My experiences have been that when a cantilever is discovered askew, it raises concern, and for some who have encountered this condition, the Cart’ is sent to a professional for further analysis. 

The info I draw on to produce my offered description, is from knowing individuals who have sent askew cantilever Cart’s away for a prognosis, (not all own up to this there is a Stigma) and the regular visits I make to Web Pages that specifically show the types of condition a Cart’ can arrive with and the intrinsic work a Cart’ undergoes to correct the conditions it has had when supplied to a Technician to undergo inspection and repairs.

I am with no other knowledge, that will suggest a askew cantilever is not the manifestation of another interface part being ’out’ on its designed for optimised set up.

This statement in itself is devaluing to the product and suggests monies are required to be parted with to receive a professionals assessment.

Monies don’t have to be parted with, if the suggestion is believed the Styli being placed in the Groove is an adequate corrective measure. This as a corrective methodology, is not a method for that I am able to endorse.

A ’deviant’ cantilever, is already showing signs it is with a compromised interface, and as such is capable of working outside of the designed operational envelope, and not be able to interface with the parts is interfacing with as par the design.

I am quite unfamiliar with discussion where the idea on the table, is that a askew cantilever is able to give one confidence of being a performer that is fit for purpose.