the best CD player between 6'000 - 10'000 $ ?

I need to replace my old Denon DCD 2700
I hear mainly classical music (don't need a huge bass ;-) )
I am looking for precision, precise stageimaging, high definition & warmth ... ;-)

Kiwi_1282001, I'd be genuinely interested to know the rest of the system (and the condition of the room) you heard the AMR in. I have never traced any "wooliness" (which I interpret as closed in, fuzzy, damped and without dynamics) in my system. It only goes to show the importance of systemic match. I guess, any recommendation in this kind of thread can therefore only be interpreted as flagging the existence of a machine that might or might not fill the bill. Hearing is believing, but, hey, that is what makes this favourite pastime of ours so exciting, isn't it.

Audio Aero Capitol Reference SE

The most musical CD player i have ever ever heard
Teddy Bear, I have only compared the Gamut CD3 extensively with the Eyre, and there was no real comparison. I lived with both for weeks, and the CD3 was clearly superior. Thats why I put it forward here, as others have mentioned the Eyre. One thing I do know is that it needs lots of running in to lose that slightly lean/metal sound out the box, and interconnects are important.
I dont know the Cary. Is it in the same price range?
The one I would be most interested in doing an A/B comparison with is the Esoteric X01D2, but that is in another price bracket.