My Triton Ones are being delivered to me tomorrow

I bought a pair of Triton Ones on Wednesday and they are being delivered tomorrow morning. I was extremely impressed by the demonstration and promptly bought a pair. This is the first time in years I got something new, in a sealed box. I am excited and won't sleep much tonight.

I really loved the ribbon tweeters sound but I am wondering if it may bother me over the long haul? I always feel this way when putting something new or different into my system, I guess it's the typical audiophile way of thought. These speakers are replacing a pair of Von Schweikert VR-33 speakers which I am selling in a classified. It will be interesting to compare the two tomorrow before I pack the Von Schweikert's back up.

I just wanted to share my enthusiasm.
I started this thread to share my excitement of the Triton Ones which I bought local and brand new. Normally I buy used here, but every once in a while, I buy new. So, this was extra special to me. I planned on updating this post as the speakers broke in and what I thought about it's strengths vs. weaknesses.

Instead this has turned into questioning about my buying something GASP, "made in China". Then my values are brought up. Thread Closed.
Hi Stereo5 .....I'm sorry you're all bummed out now, and it's too bad that this thread has made a turn for the worse. I am very happy for you, and I think your enthusiasm over your new speakers is fantastic ! I wish you many, many hours of listening pleasure, and I'm sure that your favorite music will sound great through your new Triton Ones. Good Luck with them and enjoy !
Isochronism, that Einstein statement might well be the truest ever to pass human lips.
I say what I do not because I enjoy it, I don't, but because I know every one of us and all of us, are better off living in reality in the long run , painful as it may be at a given time.
For most of us, including me, our sins of omission are far greater than the ones of commission.
Although I'm not familiar with the factories these speakers are manufactured in it seems rather shallow to say that all labor in China is slave labor. Schubert do you think that all churches are involved in child molestation and therefore people should not attend? I mean all this crap about my church is better than your church is just b.s. right?
Not too long ago a study was done to determine just what in your home was made overseas. I believe it turned out to be just about everything. Patriotism and morals aside, what more can one do?

I know that there are deplorable conditions overseas and we're headed that way ourselves, but as already stated, labor costs are rising along with QC so what does it really matter? Stereo5 is happy as a lark for his speakers and I'm happy for him.

All the best,