New, Very Interesting CD Transport

On John Darko's website today we learn of the brand new Shanling ET3 CD Transport. And for $729 USD it looks really capable. Top loading with Philips SAA7824 drive. AES/EBU, coaxial, TOSLINK and I2S digital outputs. Plus Wifi and Bluetooth. USB to connect to a external HD and built in upsampling, too. It even will output digital to USB for connection to a DAC but not with upsampling.

Here's the skinny:

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xcreativepart

Why waste money? I just ordered from eBay a Samsung DVD-HD841 to use as a transport. $16 including shipping and tax! All CD/DVD players have to conform to protocol and output the same digital bits! That's the difference between a digital device (transport) and an analog device (turntable). Turntables are inherently sonically colored while digital transports are not! This is the reality that the "golden ears" crowd prefers to wish away!

I already have on hand a Denon, a JVC and two Sony's (DVD and Blue Ray) players for use as transports. After an Agon member recommended the HD841 I went looking for one on eBay. I expect it will do fine!

@secretguy : If someone wants to blow a wad of cash and drool over a CNC-machined-out-of-billet aluminum transport go right ahead!

When I was younger people used to say Japanese items were junk! Boy how times have changed! MANY Audiophile and other non-audio related products are made in China and are very high quality! It's all dependent on the quality control that is being used! It's obvious we have an older crowd who frequents these forums. It's amazing some people just automatically assume a product is better just because it's made in the US. People sound silly when they say this!