A'gon joke...

One of a dozen recently minted bots walks into a forum and posts a message about point source speakers.

I comment about point source kits with a link.

Comment deleted by moderators.



Try making a joke about the Audiogon Mods and see how far over your head it goes.

And all this time I thought jokes were supposed to be funny. I guess the definitive word here is ’try’.

Now what @nonoise wrote, that was funny!

Post removed 

I do not understand the term "bots" when referring to Audiogon message entries.

Is it referencing humans who physically type responses or questions based on a need to disturb things?


Is it talking about machines or digital software that is programmed to make up questions or answers which may be relevant or may just be antagonistic for whatever reason?

How can any entry be proven to be either of the above?



It’s what some are calling these generic questions from brand spanking new members coming out of nowhere. The questions always seem to stir debate or require lots of advice as they’re lacking in specificity.

The responses can be detailed and thorough but the OP seems to just vanish from the thread. Check out the members start date and you’ll see. So we call them bots.

All the best,