Question about how analog audio recording works


My wife and I are high and having a discussion about how sound is recorded on records. I have an, I think, more than average understand of how sound and recording/playback works so I was trying to explain how grooves on the record represent sound waves.

What we don't understand is how polyphony is physically represented. So I can see how a single sine can easily be represented on a record. But when you're talking several sounds at once, some on the same pitch some now, dozens of timbres happening all at once, how do we differentiate those sounds on a physical medium like vinyl, or how do we represent it digitally? Is it literally nothing more than 1s and 0s? That'd be sick

Anyway, I hope this makes sense. Thanks!


Take Albert Einstein, he figured out the theory of relativity in his head!

As opposed to Issac Newton, who figured out his laws of motion in his knee?

I think you should just burn another one and contemplate the universe! Are we living in the matrix? That ought to keep your brain occupied for a while. Or you could just put on some early Pink Floyd and try to figure out the meaning.

My wife and I are high and having a discussion about how sound is recorded on records. I have an, I think, more than average understand of how sound and recording/playback works so I was trying to explain how grooves on the record represent sound waves .

What we don't understand is how polyphony is physically represented. So I can see how a single sine can easily be represented on a record. But when you're talking several sounds at once, some on the same pitch some now, dozens of timbres happening all at once, how do we differentiate those sounds on a physical medium like vinyl, or how do we represent it digitally? Is it literally nothing more than 1s and 0s? That'd be sick


i got this...

It’s all compression and rarefaction of air and its conversion by transducers. It’s the brain that decodes the music.

@mahgister , WELCOME BACK! I won't ask where you have been, curiosity can be fatal. 

This is not a problem of math. Math is a way of describing the problem. I believe it is a problem of conception not a problem in and of itself. It is reality and the proper use of electrons, physics and acoustics by people who can conceive of these issues. The beautiful thing about humans is we all have different talents. My understanding of math is very limited, but I can design in my head what people think is beautiful furnisher. 

Enjoy the Music and forget about the questions. Curiosity is fatal.