Can/Is AI Used To Post Threads on Audigon?

I don’t understand AI, but I have noticed an uptick in orphan threads from first time posters.  Some seem a bit out of place.  It is as if someone is testing the waters to see if AI can pass as a human forum member.  I’ll accept that such a suspicion might be off the mark.



Forbidden Planet was amazing in many ways.  I don’t think that humanity will survive long enough to imitate Krell technology, but then again the movie was more a commentary on the human psyche.

It is a rare case of a movie better than the original book who inspired the scenario  which book is  just OK ... i read it because of the movie ... The movie "forbidden planet" was more than just good...The best S-F movie for me before Kubrick with "the earth stand still " as a third choice ...


Funny you should mention the "human psyche" as Forbidden Planet came out in 1956, the same year Freud made the cover of Time Magazine.

Parallels abound. He made quite the impression. 😄

All the best,



Post removed 

Malicious AI will make total control of humans possible - a permanent surveillance state as foretold by George Orwell! The Chinese are getting closer to that by planning to use advanced facial recognition of all Chinese citizens! Big Brother is watching!