Balanced Audio Technology (Bat) Vk33se

This preamp looks very well built and I have some interest in it but can’t find any reviews. There is very little info out there besides upscale audios Kevin Deals YouTube review.
Has anyone here listened to this pre? Does anyone here own it?
Can someone here please share thoughts of the vk33se sonics?


To correct myself, the vk-33 has been discontinued and replaced by the new Vk-80 for $10000. 

I bought the VK-33 (not the SE) because I wanted to tube roll. I have it paired with a BAT VK-225se power amp. This combo sounds astounding, and I never cease to be amazed at how good BAT gear sounds. Built like a tank, too. 

Sorry for the slight thread drift but on the back-cover of the last two issues of S'Phile BAT has been advertising something to the effect that they offer "solid state, for the very best in audio". Kind of surprised me since BAT sold lots of tube designs, much like Atma-Sphere proclaiming it's Class-D amp is the best amp they have ever made. 

Forgive me for being a skeptic, but the bottom line is the bottom line. If tubes are not readily available, than what other option is there for a manufacturer that wishes to remain in business? 

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Totally top of the line preamplifier starboard. An absolute Music Machine , Mate it with a BAT amplifier and run balanced XLR for the best sound. Congrats on the purchase!