Shindo vs the world

Shindo keeps coming up as a highly responded brand with incredible products that have great sound quality. My question only to prior owners is do you still have your shindo amp or preamp? If not why did you sell and also did you find something else you liked better? What about something cheaper that you liked more.


@lalitk Audio Note amp, Devore speakers.


@luxmancl38 A friend has that Luxman preamp and he loves it. I’m guessing you love it too based on your choice of username.

Thank you @ghasley.  The pairing makes sense and bet it’s sublime.  

I plan to put together Shindo Pre and amp with one of these speaker brands ~ Wolf Von Langa / Horning or Cessaro’s. 


I plan to put together Shindo Pre and amp with one of these speaker brands ~ Wolf Von Langa / Horning or Cessaro’s

That is exciting!! Keep us posted on your progression,


@lalitk Having heard both Shindo and Wolf Von Langa you're on a great track there! And to the OP my one friend who had a full Shindo system sold it to help fund opening a restaurant. So it's not always something better that necessitates a sale!


WVL are indeed very special. I honestly believe either of the aforementioned speaker brands would make a sublime pairing with Shindo’s Western Electric 300B Single Limited mono’s. I plan to have Shindo’s ship to my dealer before I finalize my speakers.