To answer specifically the OP question...
Only Dr. Gorike an acoustician change my mind about headphones...
Measurements by Amir or positive reviews could not...They can be useful and indicative in some case but NEVER decisive especially separately ...
Why ? Because as for my speakers and amplifier and dac only the relation between them matter FOR the end goal of their integration to my room by acoustic...
In the same way the headphone synergetical association with dac and amplifier matter too but the acoustic properties of the headphone matter even more...
Anyway the only way to BYPASS room acoustic or headphones with no acoustic content in the shell is to try Dr. Choueri BACCH filters for "virtual toom acoustic" the most revol;utionay dac ever... Read about it, it is amazing that this revolution is not well known ... ...Then once acoustic is done right we dont need measurements or subjective reviews anymore and we dont need upgrades...
«In audio cooking, acoustic is the steak and the experience , the gear is the cooking itself with the spicing»--Groucho Marx learning his craft 🤓