What about Lindorf or Trinnov?
Get great reviews and would try if I could 👍
Best Receiver?
I’m setting up a second system with a set of stand mount speakers and a nice Garrard 301 and want a tuner built in, rather than an integrated amp. Of all the receivers, vintage and more recent, what’s the best sounding? I always thought those massive Marantz etc looked great but didn’t sound particularly good. Anyone have experience with something that sounded great?
It's interesting that you ask this question, because I am questioning why I have a receiver with all of the streaming options available today. If you really like a particular radio station, you can stream it, too. I have a vintage rig with a Fisher "the 600". I love the way the tubes glow! All 22 of them! There's no quarts lock, so I can tune in stations from way outside my listening area. Albeit, not clearly... Anyway, good luck with your search! Have fun! Dan |
OP erock79 mentioned the Fisher 800-C. A bit rarer than the 500-C, but several available. It is the 500-C with AM tuner added. I had one, same dead quiet operation. I traded it to a member here to get my Mitsubishi LT-5V Vertical Turntable in my office system. |