After 50 years, I have finally found my destination amps... AGD Audions!

I will never forget my first system. When I went away to college I bought a $199 Pacific Stereo special-Niko receiver, Lenco TT and Quadraflex speakers. That was 1971.I don't know how many upgrades I have done since. But, by far, finding the "right" amp has been the quest for the holy grail. And after decades of different SETs, finding a SS amp that will satisfy a SET guy has been problematic... until now. I was first inspired by Forum member's rave comments. Then looking at the reviewers, I found the unique and consistent phrase "best regardless of price". With the end users and reviewers all agreeing, I decided to try a pair of AGD Audions.
Within minutes, I understood what everyone was saying. Now, after about a month of listening, I am convinced that I have indeed found the "holy grail". A SS amp that completely satisfies a SET guy... and more. I am thrilled daily by the way the Audions grab me. Now, it is no longer merely listening. It is being enveloped by a sound that opens a window into the musician's hearts and souls. They do so with an incredible lack of distortion, detail and transparency. I have never heard anything like it. Excuse what appears to be hyperbole but now hearing the Audion mono blocks I am overcome with the emotion I hear and emotion I feel.
I have come to understand that AGD Class D amps are indeed unique. The designer, Alberto Guerra, has a long background in integrated circuit development holding 10 patents including those for the MOSFETs used in AGD amps. The galium nitride modules are the only, and patented, GaNs designed specifically for Audio. All other GaNs were designed for battery chargers, radar or lidar, etc. Alberto, like Nelson Pass and SITs, owns all these GaNs made.
These amps are extremely fast. Their switching frequency is far beyond other Class D amps. AGD amps sound organic and natural with great realism like a SET but with liquidity and slam. The definition and immediacy puts them above any SET I have heard. The “tube” on top of AGD amps is a kind of tribute to the original 1906 Audion tube even though they are not vacuum tubes. They do however contain the full output stages. This contributes to heat dissipation and is a clever way to make the amps good for future upgrades. No need to ever buy a “new and improved” model. Just replace the tube. Alberto has issued a Mark II tube which is already used in his new amps and available for older.
Some would question the unique cosmetic design but once they are heard they become very beautiful. And, personally, I find them very attractive beyond the normal metal box. And the attention to fit and finish is of a high level including two excellent power cords and flight cases for shipping.
AGD amps are my final, destination amps. I am thrilled daily. My only considered upgrade would be to the top line Gran Vivaces.

@mglik I’m in a similar position having moved from Atmasphere S30 OTL to AGD Audions. I loved the OTL sound but the Audions (and I suspect Ralph’s class D amps) give a similar sound but with more detail and even better dynamics.

I listen mainly to rock/blues and the Audions just seem closer to the ‘live’ sound that I want. I have Avantgarde Duo horns and, for my tastes, the combination works brilliantly.


GaN FET amps are making inroads - pleasing tubelike sonics but with the speed of SS and satisfying frequency extremes.  AGD Audions seem very high price/performance.  

Does anyone know what the warranty is for the Audion monoblocks?  I have not been able to find any information about this on their website.