Would my DAC matter?

I’m sure this question will raise a bit of controversy, but here we go…
I’m an all digital listener, and I have a streamer connected to an outboard DAC (PS Audio DirectStream DAC), the analog outs of the DAC connected to my preamp, and from the pre to my power amps, and then speakers… obviously.

I’m interested however in doing some room correction/ EQ. If I were to place a MiniDsp SHD in between my preamp and my power amp, the MiniDsp would take the analog signal my DAC created, run it through an ADC, apply EQ in the digital domain, and process the resulting signal through its internal DAC, before passing it on to the power amps. Does this completely negate the value of my PS Audio DAC, or would the initially improved analog signal it created by way of noise reduction, reclocking, DSD up sampling, etc., be of benefit to the final outcome? Would I only be hearing the “last DAC” located in the MiniDsp?
