Magnapan LRS+ VS .7

Hello All,

Thinking about trying Magnapan for the first time. Looking at mainly the .7s. My room is about 9’ x 12’ and the speaker placement is limited. (It’s my living room with TV and such) Listening location is quite close at about 7 feet if the speakers are out from the back wall 20 inches. Speakers will be placed about 7.5 feet apart. Not much to work with but I have no choice. Actually the whole cottage is only 20’ x 20’. VERY simple easy life, retired. 😎

Anyone have the luxury of being able to compare the LRS+ and .7s? My amp is REGA Aethos. Mostly CD listening for now. Jazz, instrumental guitar/piano, Some R&B, light rock. But, NIRVANA is within arms reach when in the mood.

Can’t really go to a dealer. None anywhere close within four hundred miles. IF they even have them in stock.

Now using SVS Ultra Towers with subwoofer.

Lawrence From MI



For my room of similar size, Magnepan told me the LRS+ would sound better than the .7 ...

20" from the back wall isn't going to be enough I'm afraid... you need to get them out another foot at least. Although I liked the .7 much better than the LRS+ (and better than the 1.7i!), I think in your space anything larger than the LRS+ will be darn near impossible to even "make it work"

Well it seems we/I have a conundrum!

First, thanks to All that have replied.  The LRS+ waiting time is some months and I'm the type that when I decide to buy it, I WANT IT!  No matter.  From what I've read and the responses here, getting the best out of any Magnapan will be impossible in my room.  Even the SVS speakers I have is stretch.  Very imposing in this room.  BUT!!  I'm itch'n for something new/different.  This hobby is a disease and expensive.

Best to All.

Lawrence From MI


some here have reported finding dealers with an LRS+ in stock...maybe if you make enough phone calls...