What's the point of reviewing?

What’s up with anyone’s opinion good or worse, unless we have identical equipment and acoustic spaces, it’s mute.


Magico are extremely accurate and fast speakers. Almost every setting I have heard them has either had less than ideal electronics or a room that was not ideal and they sounded terrible. You get speakers of this high a quality and you need an appropriate room and carefully chosen electronics of they may sound terrible. But under the right conditions they are among the very best. They are unforgiving.

to me magico’s are the modern day watt puppy 3/2

technical tour de force that unfortunately misses the boat in delivering enduring listening pleasure



Yes… you got it. If I had $500K - $1M I bet you I would own them. To completely customize everything… room, all electronics… they would be great. 

A review without a demonstration is just moving air and not worth wasting time listening too.

@frankmc195 - but is a review with a demonstration worth much more? You're not hearing the system being reviewed; you're hearing your own system.

The only kind of demonstrations I find useful are ones in my dealers' showrooms, like the speaker audition I had yesterday.