SVS Sub Isolation Feet vs Auralex Subdude II

What the title says: Can anyone vouch for either of these? I'm in an apartment and use a sub (turned WAY down) with a system at low-moderate volumes, and want to make extra sure I don't distrub the neighbors. I've seen good things about both and I'm not sure which way to go for this use case. I've also seen some use cheap Anti-Vibration pads, so maybe some opinions on those too? I know I won't remove all noise, but I'm looking for options for the best case and appreciate the help!


Subdude is great.  Improves bass, eliminates rumble, helps keep your neighbors from hearing the sub rumble

Another vote for Aurelex subdude. I am using a pair underneath my subs on a suspended flooring. Not only it improves the bass, it has helped tremendously with vibrations common with down firing subs.