I am an advocate of not encouraging any individual to take on something that is assessed through 'Rose Tinted Glasses'.
@lewm like your self, I am wed to Japanese Vintage TT's, I have these bought on one occasion from within the UK and all others from abroad.
Many SP10's once seen in the UK were ripped out from Radio Station Booths and sold on with the Consuls produced for the Studio with a Built in Power Supply.
I know many who got on the SP10 MkII Ladder this way, but I chose not to use this as the method. For the record SP10 MkII's were commonly seen in the era selling for £150-200. If you were willing to take a Job Lot, £90ish per unit is a accurate reflection of the asking prices.
In the UK today, a TT bought at this time and being one that has ended being put to use as a more conventional TT design, can easily acquire £1500 as a sale item.
What I do know is that many TT's from these vintages, especially ones removed from Radio Stations, have undergone some sought of patching up to have them appear seemingly conventional.
The 'under the hood aspect' is certainly an unknown, and to the individual not time served and not having a clear direction on what would be a good practice following a purchase, especially the individual being fantastical about the idea of buying into TT's that receive reports on the impact made, like those from myself.
The idea, that such good reports are a result of buying a TT only are very very wrong. In my case there is a support required from other parties, to get onto the Starting Grid and eventually Pull Away successfully from the Start Line.
It is this Beat that is sent out from my Drum.