Did Amir Change Your Mind About Anything?

It’s easy to make snide remarks like “yes- I do the opposite of what he says.”  And in some respects I agree, but if you do that, this is just going to be taken down. So I’m asking a serious question. Has ASR actually changed your opinion on anything?  For me, I would say 2 things. I am a conservatory-trained musician and I do trust my ears. But ASR has reminded me to double check my opinions on a piece of gear to make sure I’m not imagining improvements. Not to get into double blind testing, but just to keep in mind that the brain can be fooled and make doubly sure that I’m hearing what I think I’m hearing. The second is power conditioning. I went from an expensive box back to my wiremold and I really don’t think I can hear a difference. I think that now that I understand the engineering behind AC use in an audio component, I am not convinced that power conditioning affects the component output. I think. 
So please resist the urge to pile on. I think this could be a worthwhile discussion if that’s possible anymore. I hope it is. 


My claim studying this article above is not FIRST AND LAST   to justify subjectivist trusting only their "taste" hearing for gear, NOT AT ALL,  it is about deconstructing the DOGMATIC techno babble inference used by Amir to predict on the electrical measures in the linear and symmetrical time domain modeling what humans will hear from their non linear and non symmetrical time domain historical standpoint of observation and to infirm the Amir conclusion about what they cannot hear on the basis of these electrical tools used for verifying gear specs...

Amir and prof where is your answer ? Do you have a better hearing theory unknown to physicists Oppenheim and Magnasco ? Do you think they will take hearing claims of ASR seriously ? 😊

Who read this article ? It is not a review in stereophile, or technological babble about hearing, it is a pure scientific article in the frontiers between physics and psycho-acoustic ?



As i said multiples times, i am not subjectivist nor an objectivist because i focus on acoustic and psycho-acoustic not on gear pieces...I tuned my room WITHOUT need for a blind test... Acoustician used measuring tools for rapid efficient practicalities but their ears works also to the beginning till the end... There is a reason why...



@ghasley ​​​​@jjss49 

I couldn't agree with you more.  This is tribalism.  

The evangelists at ASR can be quite nasty.  I had to bow out from discussions there entirely.  I'm not commenting on Amir as a person or what he is trying to do.  I don't really know if I have the full picture or get the point of such efforts. 

I do, however, think that the ASR website is not a friendly place where one can learn much about this hobby.  


Amir has to stop with the medical analogies for their obvious flaws. Having cancer and not heeding your doctors advice will result in your dying of cancer.

Enjoying the  sound of a component and not following his advice that it measures poorly and therefore, should sound bad, will result in your still enjoying the component, unless you're very insecure. 

I think 10 out of 10 doctors would agree with that assessment and are thankful that Amir didn't choose a career in medicine.

All the best,

The short answer is no.  I'm fine with measurements but the conclusions he draws from them are of dubious worth,  I find him smug, which is a trait I really don't stand for in anybody.  There is occasional interesting discourse on the site but for every interesting thread there are three in which some evangelical devotee posts third-party measurements and the usual suspects have a field day bashing the product that they never have heard and (let's be honest) in many cases can't afford.

I think the Erin fellow is just another YouTube person and I don’t put anymore stock in his opinion than the next guy. However, I’ve seen Amir make some claims about Erin’s and others that I find out of line. I’ve seen Amir do many things he accuses Erin (and others) of. We can use simple objective facts to prove this.


Amir says Erin’s video was removed because it was clickbait and he doesn’t want anyone to earn money by having their videos shared on ASR. As someone who has perused ASR a number of times this doesn’t make sense. Why? Well, there are countless threads that are shared on ASR by members - seemingly with the intention of making fun of them - where Amir engages. From GR Research to Goldensound to John Darko. Here are two recent examples:




Both of those threads are still open - after weeks - and have generated no telling how many views by the ASR membership. If Amir is truly worried about someone making money by getting views through ASR then why doesn’t Amir delete/close those threads? The answer is plainly simple but let me give some background first.


The fact is someone shared Erin’s video because they thought it was interesting and asked others to comment. Amir called it clickbait and put Erin down.* Many members disagreed with Amir. Amir got upset at that and then closed the thread after putting his last word in. In other words: anyone can share any links to anyone’s YouTube videos or website as long as it is done with the purpose of making fun of that person. In the case of Erin’s video that wasn’t what happened and Amir didn’t like that. So he closed the thread. After he intentionally derailed it with his off-topic remarks.


This makes it pretty clear to see that Amir just doesn’t like Erin and used "clickbait" as an excuse to lock the thread. If he meant what he said he’d lock and/or delete every other single thread with external links or things he thinks are harmful to the community. For someone reason, rather than helping to encourage others to look at objective data through other sources, Amir has chosen to create false narratives around those outlets so that his viewership will take his side. When it backfires, that is when Amir gets upset.



As for clickbait, let’s all remember how many back-and-forth videos Amir has created about Danny @ GR Research and Paul McGowan @ PS Audio. Amir knew those would get views. He says "my audience asked me to make this video". This is proof he knew he would get views by creating additional drama and tension in the audio community while also being an excuse for creating said content. A single video on the topic would have been adequate but he continued to play in the mud because he knew it would get him views. One of his written reviews of GR Research speakers even had the words "a joke" in the title.** Talk about clickbait.


Let’s not also forget that Amir was recently belittled by Steve Guttenberg - while Steve was speaking at AXPONA 2023 - for not having as many subscribers as Steve does. This was brought up in a thread on ASR. Steve was asked his view on measurements. Steve made a snide remark about Amir not having as many followers (without saying Amir’s name, which is childish on its own). So, what does Amir do in response? He asks his viewers to subscribe and like to get his numbers up so he can have better "influence in the YouTube world".*** Despite him having said previously and even in this thread that he doesn’t do this sort of thing.


It is plain to see that Amir doesn’t like Erin and uses any reason he can to justify his logic even when it clearly goes against his other actions such as failure to delete/close other threads which contain links through ASR and his own part in playing "the game" by creating content he knows will create drama and fuel views, asking for donations, asking for likes/subscribers all while running a business that sells various brands. No matter how big a disclaimer he puts on it he’s still generating interest and driving potential sales through his channel to his own business. A single speaker sold through Madrona Digital is far more than most of these YouTube guys make in a week. Some even a month.


I have no issue with anyone monetizing their efforts as long as there is transparency. Unfortunately, Amir criticizes others for doing all the things he says he doesn’t do. These are facts and easy to verify with simple searches online. I’ve provided some below. But Amir and (some of) his dedicated followers conveniently ignore all these objective facts and cast doubt on others so they can prop Amir up as the only person capable of providing honest and accurate reviews. Amir cannot say all these things about others and expect us to ignore the fact he does the exact same things.


- J




* Link: https://www.audiosciencereview.com/forum/index.php?threads/erins-top-5-speakers-regardless-of-price-june-2023.45988/post-1639855

** Link: https://www.audiosciencereview.com/forum/index.php?threads/gr-research-lgk-2-0-speaker-review-a-joke.34783/

*** Link: https://www.audiosciencereview.com/forum/index.php?threads/gr-research-b24-ac-cable-review-follow-up-entertainment.45452/

Quote: If you have not already, please go to my youtube page and subscribe. It won’t make me any money but will work to improve our influence in youtube world: