Best Digital Input from PC to DAC

I'm currently using a Kimber USB cable from my PC to my DAC to play FLAC files ripped from my cd collection to a hard drive. Although the results are quite good I'm interested in other Goners experience with USB or alternate input choices using a lap top computer for manipulating music streams. I've found that FUBAR and the free ASIO drivers render the best results in play back.
The Empirical Audio Freeway 2 takes usb out of the computer and brings it to the Dac of your choice. There are other ( cheaper) alternatives, but you are making some great choices with Kimber, FLAC, etc. , so I think you are really close to great sound. Have fun.
Some USB converters were compared here:

If you are using XP on a PC, then I would recommend unmapping the device if possible and using Foobar 0.8.3

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
Agreed, if money isn't a concern get Steve to hook you up with one of his options and skip all the experimenting. If value is a concern there are lots of cheaper alternatives to keep you busy.
What DAC are you using? Many USB enabled DACs aren't doing it right and will give you less than the best results.