The problem is there is plenty of S. S. and plenty of tubes amplifiers all different with one another...
Then it does not make sense to compare tube and S.S. in general...
We cannot even may be able compare a specific tube design with a S.S. design ?
Why ?
Because these two different designs will respond very differently paired with this turnatble and this dac or this pre-amp or these speakers than with other components...
We must start with a specific goal in a specific room with some idea about the speakers needs...
Or we may start with a specific tube amplifier and buld everything around it...
it is difficult to is the reason why audio is based on listenings experiments every time in different acoustic situation...
Anyway the sound quality of tubes amplifiers can be replicated EXACTLY by some S.S. design at will..
Sansui designed very good tubes amplifiers long time ago and take 20 years to replicate their best tube amplifiers with their top S.S. model EXACTLY the same sound impressions ... They even made the test public with a veil separating them to impress people... i did not have this site adress anymore though...
Reading that it was the reason why i bought 2 Sansui S.S. amplifiers...Sansui Au-7700, and one of the first Sansui Alpha Au 607-i
Heat in summer created by tubes and short life span of tubes in conventional tube design push me out of this game... I sold my only tube amp and 50 tubes...😊 The sound was too much S.S. like anyway compared to my superior Sansui Au 7700 ... 😊
The only tube amplifier i wanted to beat my marvellous Sansui Alpha a S.S. amp is the Berning ZOTL which use COLD tube and with a 10,000 hours life span at least..But the berning sound is not tube like in the conventional way it is described..
Then there is no general comparison between tubes and S.S. it is related more to the crafmanship of the designer, be it a tube amp. or a S.S. amp.
Atmasphere here make for example stupendous tube amplification if we read reviews and i will not bec surprized if these tubes amplifier beat my Sansui Alpha at all... But not every tube designer is Berning or Atmasphere...And not all S.S. amplifier in the mass market are build as a top Sansui from the gold era of the company ...