MM or MI Cartridge?

Currently using an SPU Royal N with a Viv Labs 9" and Kuzma Stabi R, and I am looking for a great Moving Magnet or Moving Iron Cartridge that I won't feel short changed by.

A couple of options I am looking at are the Grado Reference "The Reference" Wood 2 and the Audio Note IQ3, has anyone had the opportunity to compare these cartridges, and any other options I should consider that you have heard against either of these cartridges?


The big difference between MC/MI/and MM cartridges boils down to a very few factors, most notably stylus profile, of which much ink has been spilled, and inductance, which is rarely mentioned. Moving coil carts have the lowest, then Moving Iron, and then Moving Magnet. why does this matter? Inductance directly relates to a property called hysteresis, the delay between a change in input and a change in output. Google 'hysteresis curve' and you'll see the characteristic 'S' shaped hysteresis curve, and its return, the hysteresis loop. Ultra low output MCs sound fast and detailed in large because they have low inductance, thus low hysteresis. MI carts like Grado and Soundsmith  have greater inductance, roughly in the 50mH range, but the difference is incremental. Most Moving Magnet carts have 10X more inductance around 450-550 mH and accordingly 10X more hysteresis, more delay between changes in input (stylus motion) and a change in output voltage. They simply cannot respond without 'smearing'. The tradeoff in general is output voltage, where MM carts win by a mile, thus making preamp design easier and more forgiving. This is why most MC carts require an additional level of gain, and usually worse S/N ratios. There are other factors, to be sure, vibration control, compliance, tracking ability, and several more but all of those can be controlled independently of the electromagnetic performance of the generator which is determined in large by the cartridge designers choice of MC, MI, or MM. I haven't gone into cartridge loading which is important, but cannot compensate for the hysteresis inherent in the design.

I have a Viv 9" as well, with the carbon fiber tube. The Royal N hasn't spent that much time on it, I'll have to give it another chance.

My favorite MM/MI's are all from the golden age of analog. The Denon 109D (with Jico stylus) is an exceptional all-around performer with a lot of punch. Technics 207C w/Jico SAS, Signet TK-7lca and Shelter 201 w/Jico SAS are also winners.



@panzrwagn , you appear to suggest that nothing can touch a MC. I beg to differ.

For years I used a higher end Koetsu, a great MC by any standards. Last month I replaced it with a top Grado, and the difference was immediately obvious. The Grado has more dynamics, more clarity, and more sweetness. Smoothness. Not to mention, notably better tracking. That's on an air bearing TT, air bearing tonearm, and ESL's.

I have a Grado reference in one of  my vintage systems. I have it on a AR XA with a Mayware tonearm that I refurbished. It is an outstanding cartridge once you get it dialed with beautiful vocals and surprising bass. 

Dinov is right.  Since the output is somewhere in between an MC and a MM, you will have to experiment with your phono preamp setting.  Mine only had 2 settings, MM and MC.  One sounded fat, the other was weak.