The new Linn LP12 50th Anniversary edition

Linn have just announced their 50th anniversary edition LP12. See

The price is going to be starting at $60K.


Looks nice, but the price, like so much in the industry these days, seems to be what they used to call ' a thumb suck' number.



Now the LP12 has gone from junk to really stupidly expensive junk. There is a sucker born every minute. 

Not junk, but also, at least for the LP12 50th Anniversary, hard to assign that price to value.

That’s a freaking down payment on a house! Who in the he$$ can afford this stuff?? Not me....

You can go to Thomman USA and buy yourself a brand new Thorens TD 1500 for what amounts to $1850 US dollars! ($2999 if bought in US). It is a suspended turntable that commemorates the original Thorens TD 150. I bet it sounds just as good as that LP12...

I own it and it's a fabulous turntable for the money.

While the Thorens is a good table, I do think the Linn is probably better. However, is it 10-30 times better, that i seriously doubt! 

Interesting thing is that there are apparently 120 of the 250 tables released already accounted for! That would seem to indicate that there are a ton of consumers who think nothing of dropping sixty large! I guess when you are worth $200+ million, what is sixty large......