Best Class D GaNFET Amp Comparison. Who to invite?

The time has come to put to the people a listening test of some of the better

current "Contenders" in the race for Best Class D GaNFET Sound.


The existing media can not manage such an undertaking for many reasons.

This event will help consumers decide which products best meet their needs.


I have not heard all the players but will suggest these names for inclusion in this comparison.


1. Mola Mola 

2. Atmasphere 

3. AGD

4. Bel Canto

5. NAD

6. ?

7. ?

8. ?


Finale Aavik vs winner of above 


Event will be held either in Seattle or the Bay Area.


We can support about three more brands in this comparison.  

It will be setup as an A/B audience listening event

comparison starting with the two lowest MSRP products.



After the seven A/B comparisons one amp would emerge as the audience favorite.

This winner would then go head to head with the Aavik in the 8th round.


I will plan this for a July-August 2023 event open to the public.


I now open this to further discussion, ideas and suggestions for the last three slots.





Me too. What happened to the results? I have been following this from the beginning. Come on folks don't keep us in suspense. 

Me four. I've heard the AGD stereo amp and Atma-sphere monos on my system and am interested to hear about the rest.

Sadly the room I was told I could use at the PNW Audiofest ended up not being available. The event could still be held easily enough. I have access to Peachtree,

Orchard, Mola Mola. 

People in the thread offered to bring all the others. However all were silent

at the time I asked for confirmation. No one offered to assist either. 


I did do a comparison with the Orchard and the Peachtree in my own home.


What a dud....

I'm the Bay Area and would have loved to compare the following;

Rose 180

Rose150B w/180

Rose 520

Custom Purifi (built several)

Peachtree Gan1

Nad M33

New Eversolo.....