You make a good point about ARC being good at sub integration. I have used ARC in my desktop system with a 2.1 passive setup driven by the Paradigm PW-AMP and also with a 2.1 active speaker driven by the Paradigm PW-Link. Both setups were in my very small office space with limited room treatment and I noticed the sub integrated seamlessly, like being wrapped in a bubble of sound.
So this week I am trying something new in my HT which uses Audyssey Pro room correction. My processor has two sub outs I want to add a third sub in the back of the room. I got a 12 inch wall mounted sub from Monoprice. My rear surround and rear height (atmos) speakers are both driven by PW-Amps. I am going to mount that sub about 6 feet high on the rear wall. Then connect the sub out ports from the amps to the left and right in ports on the sub. Calibrate the rear surrounds with ARC, then the rear height speakers with ARC. Then rerun audyssey. This should give me some directional bass in the back of my room for both the rear surrounds and atmos height channels. Will let you know how it goes.