AI and the future of music

Last night’s 60 minutes featured a deep look at Google’s new AI program BARD. Frightening, yet compelling.

It got me thinking, if their AI has already read everything on the internet, and can create verse, stories, etc in seconds…What could it do for music?

‘Hey , BARD create a new Beatles like song from the Rubber Soul era, but have Paul Rodgers and Jack Bruce singing”.

“Hey BARD, create a song that will melt the heart of my new girlfriend”.


your ideas?


I never elevated him  to God status...My godlike status persons are deep mathematicians as Goerg Cantor or Ramanujan or Alexander Grothendieck or Alain Connes or Mochizuki and some others or great mystics in all religions... No engineers so useful they could be... 😊 Hinton was courageous to speak his mind against many sleepwalking engineers at least half of them ,... Then no godlike status here...

But it is very interesting compared to Le Cun  who win the Turing prize too  and disagree with Hinton  and  to listen what he spoke about...

By speaking so and quitting Google, he was politely mocked by the Le Cun crowds...

A. I. is not a "passive"  tool at all...For me and for Hinton

Even it will be used as a passive  tool...

I will not go further here but you missed the point Hinton make i will repeat :

No one program A. I. it will program us instead ...

Thats is the gist of the spiritual problem...

i will add to that that A. I. will not stay outside of us, but as Elon Musk ask for with the like of Kurzweil, we must merge with it, they claimed...


And I’m not ready to elevate Mr. Hinton to prophet of god status. And I wouldn’t say he "abandoned" his career when he left Google. First, I suspect he walked out the door with quite a few millions of dollars in his pocket (good for him) and, second, I’m certain as well that he will have not problem finding very high paying work in the industry when he wants. So don’t weep for Mr. Hinton’s great sacrifice and let’s not put him up on a cross.



well, we’re getting closer but, to me anyway, no cigar yet.

A blues song should take you to a new, though still familiar, emotional state; that A.I. “song” had the recognizable signposts but possessed no true emotional weight IMHO.

(listen to Statesboro Blues and rejoin the convo)

A.I. brings to mind a homunculus, a not-quite-there human being.

As long as we’re here we might as well bring up drum machines; now THAT was/is a controversial topic. I still remember finding out one of my favorite 80’s recordings utilized a drum machine…..and it was confusing emotionally trying to decide if I still liked it the same….



Sure, it is not competitive with unique / original heart felt blues. But that was the result of a 10 second endeavor… 5 to form the query and five seconds to receive the output.


Virtually anyone in the industry five years ago would say we were decades away from that being possible. Then overnight it was here.

AI is the most profound development in this and the last century. Whether the atomic bomb or AI is more important will only be clear in retrospect. I am not an expert on AI, but have had a career as an IT executive,  introducing cutting edge computer technology to large global companies… and I am humbled and concerned by it’s potential power… both positive and negative.

Judging by most of the posts here… few have a clue of what they are talking about. It is in everyone’s best interest to really learn about AI and its capability and dangers… particularly when directly coupled with the corporate profit motive. This is not like some 60 minutes special… that can give you an informed opinion on the subject. If you are under 50… you better start studying. AI may be the biggest existential threat you have ever seen, and unless you are on the leading edge the reason your life financial plan will likely go down the toilet.

How is the machinery of a machine

Any different from the machinery of the body

How life designed the DNA code ?

It is not an act of someone with a beard... Dont you think ?

It is not randomness dont you think ?

What is it?

It is an encompassing fundamental information field uniting all living life in two complementary hierarchies of intelligence and consciousness... Intelligence is not exactly the same as self consciousness... A slime network can solve complex optimization problem with no brain... Do you know that ? It give A nobel prize to the japanese scientist who studied that...

Stalin kill twenty millions of Russians perhaps, do you know that?

Self consciousness is not intelligence and intelligence is not self consciousness even if they are related and linked in what we generally call CONSCIOUSNESS ...

Where did this ONE CONSCIOUSNESS come from ?

it come from the information/formation field where all consciousness exist as processing unit of intelligence, this processing field dynamic is the HEART of mathematics,... The shadow of the consciousness and intelligent  light is mathematic itself in the mind... Swedenborg the discoverer of the cortex brain  among others thing named intelligence and consciousness  the divine knowledge and the divine love... The mind is not the brain , and the soul is not the mind and the spirit is not the soul...But all are ONE...

The difference between living organism in the cosmos and matter is determined by the distribution of the prime numbers, it takes some amount of prime numbers to process life an infinite numbers of prime, versus processing matter, a finite number of primes but more deeply if we forget the matter/life distinction, at a basic level there exist an intelligence without self oriented moral consciousness as we experience it and a self oriented consciousness with no need for intelligence as we experience it...

Mathematics prime number distribution is a DISCOVERED FACT , no human created it, nor God...It is an ABSOLUTE discovered fact and interpreted as such by all intelligent/ self conscious being in the universe able to do mathematic...A circle is also aqn ABSOLUTE fact and interpreted as such and not invented but OBSERVED by pure thinking... Because no circle exist in the finite cosmos...

Then to ask your question: all living machine are LINKED together in one cosmic ecological system and they are all GROUNDED in the infinite informative/formative field which shadow is expressed in number theory by the primes distribution which is really the COSMIC AKASHIC memory... They are all souls with one supreme spirit with infinite life span ... All is one...

All created non living machine are not grounded in the infinite informative/formative field, they are artificial, separated entities we can design with a finite amount of primes numbers as FINITE entity and with a finite life span...

Artificial intelligence or A. I. is based on a relatively simple stastistical networking maths...

Artificial consciousness or A. C. will be based on a more complex mathematics tools and a new information theory with non Turing algorithmic processing... It will be self processing... Artificial consciousness... i cited the book describing this mathematical new theory above...


I will add a video conference by the mathematician Alain Connes " the music of shapes" on youtube where is demonstrated how music is related to prime numbers distribution or better said hor the primenumber distribution is music ...

By the way in the book NANOBRAIN or how to create an artificial brain with time crystals the author an indian physicist demonstrated how everything at all scale are INVINCIBLE RYTHMS or music...


For the ancient Egyptian by the way , the decomposition of the Horus eye in six parts was a sieve to SEE and visualize the prime numbers distribution... Horus being the god of Knowledge .. the prime are all distributed in a sieve modulo six in the Gauss algebra ...

Take all the odd numbers put them on a rectangular board with a sucession of 6 separated box in each column and begin with the number five in the first box of the first column and add 7- 9-11 so on to the infinite... You will see the CORE of number theory, and the quadratic reciprocity law VISUALIZED...

I discovered it in a book about ancient Egypt Karnak temple at Louxor , i bought it when i was 25 years old it was written by a genius : Schwaller de Lubicz...

This is the reason why i was interested by mathematics all my life...

How is the machinery of a machine

Any different from the machinery of the body