Can you have too much speaker presence?

My dealer says I’d lose too much speaker presence if I went to a smaller speaker. I’m not posting the speaker in question solely because I don’t want this to become an attack on them. I get it, presence means there and in the area, but can too much become and issue, especially when it is centered in a specific frequency range? 



At the same volume I can confirm that in my case the taller towers offered a more solid sound than the smaller ones, with more weight to it. Both really have the same kind of imaging, depth and soundstage but the smaller towers presented it on lighter footing even played at the same volume. Meaning the tall ones have more "presence" so I do understand what that salesman is talking about. 

As I see it there is "Large Speaker" sound and "Small speaker" sound.

The difference primarily being the chest impact a 15" speaker makes

when it moves a higher volume of air than a 6" speaker can.

I enjoy my 2 way speakers supplemented with subs so the whole

frequency range is presented. The impact of being there will not

be the same with smaller speakers. But the clarity & soundstage 

can be every bit as good or better.

I can not enjoy 70+dB sound levels for long. It literally hurts my tired ears.

But I can enjoy music at 65 dB which many of my friends can not.

From my way of thinking if a speaker can not sound good unless it

is blaring it is a poor speaker. If I am listening without any discomfort

at at a level say 75-85dB then I credit the system for producing sound

I can enjoy at higher than normal levels.

In other words it is a great system.

Make any sense?



4,556 posts


FWIW when I have seen the word 'presence' it has been referring to the mid/upper mid range. 

I was recently watching A British Audiophile's youtube channel. He referred to the "presence region" as being between 2k - 4k. 

Buy the biggest speaker you can  afford.......very rarely does a bookshelf give you the "full" presentation that a Floorstander will give you. You'll get lower bass....equally nice mids.....equally great highs and be able to play them enjoyably at lower volume levels And enjoy them at Higher volume levels without going into distortion. The bigger the better. Good luck in your search.

Stereophile's definition: 

presence A quality of realism and aliveness. 

presence range The lower-treble part of the audio spectrum, approximately 1-3kHz, which contributes to presence in reproduced sound.”