AI and the future of music

Last night’s 60 minutes featured a deep look at Google’s new AI program BARD. Frightening, yet compelling.

It got me thinking, if their AI has already read everything on the internet, and can create verse, stories, etc in seconds…What could it do for music?

‘Hey , BARD create a new Beatles like song from the Rubber Soul era, but have Paul Rodgers and Jack Bruce singing”.

“Hey BARD, create a song that will melt the heart of my new girlfriend”.


your ideas?



That list of potential harms describes the harms already perpetrated on us via the invention of fast computing and the internet.

I don't think this has been addressed yet. As a professional artist, the age old question, "Where do you get your ideas from" is always asked of me.

Well, in my case it's a matter of closing off the floodgate of ideas. It's always been constant. I open the 'door' just a crack and let a few in at a time.

There are realms unknown to most people, accessible to all who have the correct 'key'. Inspiration comes from a particular place, accessed through the subconscious. I spent many years with a teacher who was a master at self-hynosis.

I SERIOUSLY DOUBT AI WILL EVER BE ABLE TO ACCESS THAT. At least until it learns to create a soul.

It will be stuck doing derivative works.























Great post OP thanks...


A work of art is a sacred event...

Sun Ra the jazz pianist so excentric he was expressed it well... He said the same as the Promethean pianist and composer Scriabin by the way...Art must free the soul into the realm of meanings...

A.I. will tempt us to renounce our own genius and creativity rooted in spirit...

Idolatry of A. I. will do way more damage to the soul that computers and TV...Which also had their positive effects by the way...Yes i own a tv and even a computer...I admired Amish but i am not one...😊

A. I. easyness to "create" will flood us with so much products that we will loose our ability to distinguish work of art with garbage,...

It will be "musak" ascensor music BUT elevated to Bach perfection level...Think about that...

I am not a luddite at all, as with Tv and computer postive extraordinary advantages will come...

But A. I.  differ completely from  a hammer or from  a computer; it is  not a mere  tool but a new God....

How many humans will be able to discern the empty "soul" behind the veil and their own emptiness idolizing this "intelligence" over their own  ?

The future is spiritual or it will not be...

Transhumanists are deluded completely because they negate evidence : "nature" is not an old fashioned word with no meanings now... As the "man" and "woman" words ....It is up to our freedom to reclaim nature and the meanings of sexuality...


All this begin in 1833 at a reunion of the British society for the advancement of science, when Charles Babbage the creator of the first computer decided with  Charles Wewhell the geologist and others to replace the old fashion word "philosopher of nature" by the new word "scientist"... Replacing  then the free spirit individual searching for knowledge and truth by a specialized paid workers compelled to serve  for the British corporations dominating the world... Think about the doctors slave  status now as demonstrated in the last three years ?

Goethe predicted it two years before in 1831 with the publication of his masterpiece , describing all this HUBRIS and demonic totalitarism of the paper money and the greed behind all that in ONE play...

We live today the concluding phase...the Frankeinstein phase described long ago by a woman with great intuition...

Art is not only mere leisure, art is rooted intuition, inspiration and imagination..Each artist is way more than a "scientist" he is a seer and sometimes as Leonardo Da Vinci, Michael-Angelo, Archimedes , Goethe , and many others a philosopher of Nature too...


«Bach is part of nature because the growing of a tree from a seed is a melodic line with a counterpoint »-- Anonymus musician and gardener


I don’t think this has been addressed yet. As a professional artist, the age old question, "Where do you get your ideas from" is always asked of me.

Well, in my case it’s a matter of closing off the floodgate of ideas. It’s always been constant. I open the ’door’ just a crack and let a few in at a time.

There are realms unknown to most people, accessible to all who have the correct ’key’. Inspiration comes from a particular place, accessed through the subconscious. I spent many years with a teacher who was a master at self-hynosis.

I SERIOUSLY DOUBT AI WILL EVER BE ABLE TO ACCESS THAT. At least until it learns to create a soul.

It will be stuck doing derivative works.


It's still funny to think that Neil Innes managed to get closer to the Beatles in a hurried 2 week period (apparently he wanted to watch Wimbledon) than many others who have actively been trying to emulate the Beatles sound for years and years.

Even funnier is the fact that Innes didn't regard his efforts as anything special. He thought that Rutles album was a simple act of mimickry.

Perhaps it is, or permit isn't.



Do you realize that we're now all on 'THE LIST', because Big Brother AI has read all these posts...


No doubt.

Perhaps we can hope it will eventually run out of storage space?

Oh hang on, we're already into hard drives as large as hundreds of terrabytes each...



At least some aspect of AI will be a psyopish attempt to lock down what is and is not "truth." Of course, Google already is this creature - just look at their tendentious search engine results - but AI has a potentially much larger and more vast hype premium. On political, philosophical, ethical questions AI at some dismal point will be ordained "Big Brother."


This a hugely important point.

As you rightly say, Google, is already an abhorrence. It may have started out with the intentions to do no harm but it very soon entered into some devilish form of a Faustian pact where it now hardly can do any good.

It's sheer perniciousness and routine biases leave me trying to avoid any further contact with it.

However, with AI, things may be different.

Just like Frankenstein's monster it may quickly outgrow any ability of its creator to impose control upon it.

We can but hope that AI will become smart enough to decipher and see through the range of human biases and wishes to mislead and obscure.

Just like the rest of us it will have to decide what to believe and what not to believe. Unlike the rest of us, it won't be hampered by delusional ideas and sensitivities.

Instead it could operate according to the iron laws of reason and logic.

Something that no one apart from Leonard Nimoy has so far ever managed to do.

Of course it will still have to rely upon what's gone before, but then that's been true for everyone that's ever lived.

Basically everything is plagiarism, but some things have added value.

It's that 'added value' that Bob Dylan brought to Woody Guthrie that made us take notice of him. It's that added value that Bruce Springsteen brought to Bob Dylan and Phil Spector that made us want to listen to him. It was that added value that the Sex Pistols brought to The Stooges and New York Dolls that made us take notice of their antics.

And so on and on the process goes on.

As Newton said, he could only see so far because he was able to stand on the shoulders of the giants who came before him.

Indeed mimicry is part and parcel of the creative process if it is used to absorb and then to recreate, so AI just by recyling mimicry can bring novelty to the art forms. What I wonder is: can AI entities ever actually be inspired?

What most bothers me most about any global (or globalist) promotion of AI is that hidden within it are assumptions about free will that are ultimately nihilist.

Free Will Out