Pace Rhythm and Timing tends to be one of the more difficult parameters of a system to sense, but perhaps the most important when it comes to musicality and how engaging a system is. It is system enabled, and primarily a function of all the electronic components. In general, tubes get this right much more easily than solid state… and the solid state ones that really get it are expensive. I have to say the systems I have heard that immediately drew me in with outstanding rhythm and pace have been tubed. But some companies like Pass have made great advances.
My system is incredibly satisfying from this perspective (under ID). I always think that if you focus on detail and slam, then imaging, it is really easy to loose it. Then you have a sterile system that technically sounds great but leads to boredom after short listening sessions. Once you finish being amazed that you can hear the conductor zip up his fly, you start reading the newspaper or go cut the lawn.
After fifty years of pursuing the high end. If I were to have a system that really excelled at only thing it would be PRAT. Also, for thirty-five or so of those years I could not sense and identify it. I mean, some systems would simply emotionally connect with me… and many across the spectrum would to different degrees… but being unable to put my finger on this parameter left me chasing details, micro details, imaging and slam, which can be heartless without PRAT.
I am currently listening to some digital music by Debbie Tebbs… I am finding it hard to sit still and not sway and bounce with the music… This is why I have my system… it gets the joy or sometimes sorrow across.