AI and the future of music

Last night’s 60 minutes featured a deep look at Google’s new AI program BARD. Frightening, yet compelling.

It got me thinking, if their AI has already read everything on the internet, and can create verse, stories, etc in seconds…What could it do for music?

‘Hey , BARD create a new Beatles like song from the Rubber Soul era, but have Paul Rodgers and Jack Bruce singing”.

“Hey BARD, create a song that will melt the heart of my new girlfriend”.


your ideas?


The reason why i think A. I. could be and will be useful in music is about acoustic and psycho-acoustic analysis and controls...

Nothing else...

I am not interested by music generated by A. I. and played by A. I.  at all...

Why ?

Because when i listen music the "imperfect" interpretating playing of a musician matter as much as the written piece, and no A. I. can interpret Scriabin without beeing able to FEEL him and his music... It is the same thing in Jazz... or as with Nikhil Banerjhee playing a raga on his sitar...  Forget it...

A. I. music will be to music as cartoon books compared to Shakespeare..

Apart Acoustic control A. I. will be escalator perfect music on par with Bach... 😊Thats all...but A. I. will shine and help in acoustic factors controls...



Listen this interview relatively short with Josuah Bengio... One of the leading A. I. designer... With Hinton and Le Cun and others..

He is right in my book...

He does not adress the spiritual danger i spoke about but almost nobody does save seers and very intuitive people... Only the material danger... Nevermind he is not sleepwalking dude whith the song which play first a the music chart right now :

" Nevermind stress and doom,any boom is progress!


It is useless to be afraid, it is more useless to never think because it could introduce fears in us , we must think to stay conscious...There is no mechanical "on" "off" button on our body where it read : "Push this button and be conscious"...



«Thinking is like walking the dog in our head, we go out of our usual way and stay away from crowdy roads»--Groucho Marx 🤓


As a side note: the only point i differ with Bengio is when he says there is no Ghost in the machine as there is no ghost in your head... I believe because i sense it that my brain is a filter not the cause of my consciousness, then any machine can be the house for a ghost; think about it that way metaphorically speaking, the machine is discrete as atoms are but the ghost is wavelike... Science is right but animist sorcerer are right too... Superstitions as useless beliefs inhabit science as religions ... Any other way of thinking is less arrogance than ignorance... Consciousness exist in a way no material object can... Read this physicist for an easy glimpse about this deep matter :

Wolfgang Smith : The vertical causation

or his other book the Quantum enigma...

He distinguishes phenomenal reality from physical measured reality, as Wolgang Pauli did when working with Carl Gustav Jung...


«Sorry , my wife is a machine with no ghost inside »-- Groucho Marx 🤓




There is, of course, an already vast library of "existing" music that cannot be taken away from us or modified.

They Can't Take That Away From Me